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Angel's POV

I am so angry at everything, I can't believe my mom is sending me to a private school. It's not like I wanted to punch that guy's teeth out of his mouth.

"What I'm saying is that you could've just talked to him until your mom arrives" I heard my momma say, she was leaning on the kitchen counter crossing her arms.

"He was bullying that girl?!! You want me to stand there and watch him humiliate her in front of everyone?!!" I yelled at her, I know I shouldn't be yelling and I soon regretted that when my mom walked it. She glared at me and shut my mouth.

"First of all you don't yell at your mother like that, you communicate your feelings l-"

"Yeah like you communicated with me before sending me to a different fucking country!!" My momma was fixing her tie, she gently grabbed my mom's wrists to stop her and she walked closer to me. I thought she was going to yell at me for raising my voice at her but she just hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I sighed and gave in. 

"I- I don't like being alone mom" I whispered crying on her shoulder. Matter of fact I hated change, anything that I wasn't familiar with scared me.

"You'll be okay..." She kissed my cheek and patted my head, even though I thought I was pretty tall she was still taller, giant looking woman.

I smiled wiping my tears off of my cheeks and walked to my mom who looked so sad but she still had a small smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for yelling momma" I hugged her, she just sobbed in my shoulder. I'm so don't like this idea of leaving but I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not like I'm going to die or anything it's just school you know" I tried to joke but they didn't laugh, they just stared at me with a serious almost terrifying look. I nervously chuckled and backed out of the kitchen running to my room.

I walked in the room and found Lili watching TV, I looked at her confused.

"You have a TV in your room" I had to start packing so I grabbed a suitcase from under the bed.

"I know I like yours more" she said hugging my pillow. I turned to look at her and she had a sad look on her face. I sighed getting up on my feet and walked closer to the bed.

"I'm gonna miss you too Lili" I said kissing the top of her head.


When I got off the private jet there was three SUVs waiting for me. A woman in a black suit was waiting for me in front of one of the cars, she had white hair and sharp features. I was stunned and I just swallowed hard and smiled nervously. Why does my mom have to choose the finest women to work for her. Like damn I didn't ask for 6ft tall gorgeous lady to escort me out of the airport.

"Ehm Ms. Castillo?" Her voice was raspy and it gave me goosebumps. With the corner of my eye I saw a couple men put my luggage inside the car. I cleared my throat and looked up at her, her sunglasses were now on top of her head and I can see her beautiful blue orbs.

"Y-yes?" Good job Angel now you really embarrassed yourself.

"I asked you if you're ready to go?" She smiled but I saw a small smirk on her face.

"My name is Lucia Starr and I'll be your bodyguard" she opened the car door for me. She sat in the passenger seat as she explained more to me. She said that she'll be accompany me inside school and outside of school basically everywhere I go. I rolled my eyes, I get that my mom has lots of enemies but why all this security. For god's sake mom. I grabbed my phone and called her.

"Really mom three SUVs, who the hell am I the queen of England?"

"Sweetie I know it's too much for you but I want you to be safe specially with this last deal I made some people didn't like it, better be safe than sorry"  I sighed and told her I was too tired and had to go rest in the dorm room. Hopefully she didn't get me a whole hallway, I hate when people think I'm a rich brat.

"Your mom didn't want anyone with you in the dorm but the school insisted that this girl stays there because they have no other rooms" I hear Lucia say as we walked through big metal gates, there were so many people standing in front of the school. Expensive cars and parents saying goodbye to their kids and I'm here arriving with three SUV's.

There was silence when the three cars stopped in front of the main door. Lucia got out and opened my door helping me out of the car.

"I hate being the center of attention" I mumbled as I walked closer to Lucia. I might be the type to attend ball parties with my mom's rich friends that she really hates but at least I'm not the center of attention there. This is going to be a long year.


Hellooo everyone!!! Hopefully you'll like this book.

Tell me what you think..

Have a good day!!


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