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Angel's POV

It's been a couple of days since the party and Luci wasn't acting like a bitch but she didn't talk to me much, I didn't care, I just felt bad because I wanted to kiss her that day. She doesn't deserve it, because her stupid attitude irritates me.

"Ms. Castillo can you solve this?" I was snapped out of my thoughts with our math teacher staring at me with a smirk, I sighed and walked to the board. He asked me to solve one equation but I solved ALL of them and drew a small penis at the end. He looked furious and his face was so red.

"Damn sir, are you okay? Your face is a little red" I said innocently, I heard people chuckle quietly. I noticed Luci had a small smile on her but as soon as she caught me staring at her she went back to her cold face and rolled her eyes. I mentioned for Lucia not to follow me to the office and she nodded her head hesitantly.

"The dean's office NOW!" I shrugged my shoulder and left slamming the door behind. I remember that I didn't know where it was so I went back to the class and opened the door.

"Ehm sir? Where is the dean's office exactly?"  He looked like he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, he grabbed the marker and threw it at me but I dodged it.

"You've gotta work on your aim sir" someone said, we all looked back Luci was already packing her things, she knew he was gonna ask her to leave as well. I smiled, and I waited for her at the door. We waved at the teacher but he slammed the door in our faces.

"So guide the way" I said, she side eyed me walking in front of me. I jogged so I can walk next to her.

"Sooo Luci, why do you keep that cold demeanor?" I asked her trying to get her to talk to me. She ignored my question and just kept walking. I noticed we weren't inside school anymore, I stopped in my track and looked at her confused.

"I don't think the office is outside Luci" I said sarcastically, she turned to look at me with a small smirk.

"Suit yourself" she kept walking and I was debating on following her or just going back.

"Wait for me!" I ran after her as we walked farther from the school. I don't think we're going to the dean's office anymore. We reached an empty road and we crossed to the other side where she uncovered a motorcycle from under a big camo sheet. You wouldn't see it because the road was higher than the side where it was parked at.

"Eh what are you doing?" She pushed the motorcycle to the road and grabbed her helmet.

"Do you know the way back?" She asked me smugly, I looked around me and I was in the middle of nowhere. I sighed and walked to her defeated.

"That's what I thought" she whispered as she secured the helmet on my head. She threw a leg over the vehicle and asked me to do the same. I wrapped my arms around her waist and just waited for her to take off.

"Angel?" I heard her soft voice, she was looking at me from the side with worry. I didn't notice her hand over mine and I didn't notice I was squeezing her stomach so tight and she haven't even started it yet.

"I won't go fast, okay?" I nodded my head and closed my eyes leaning my forehead on shoulder as she tapped my hands reassuringly.

She kept her promise even though sometimes she'll accelerate on purpose to hear my screams or because she's a perv and she just wants my arms around her tighter.

"I hate you" I said when she took off my helmet, she smirked and put the helmet on the handle. We were in a small town, there weren't many people and it just screamed peace. I looked back at her she was smiling at me, I felt her hand grab mine gently and pull me towards a coffee shop. I was too busy thinking about her soft fingers tangled with mine that I didn't hear what she asked me. What is the reason of this change? All of a sudden she's nice and she's holding my hand. Wait... I pinched my arm with my free hand to see if I was dreaming and she just chuckled.

"I said do you want hot chocolate?" She asked, I nodded my head still flabbergasted at the new treatment. When we sat on a table she grabbed the chair I was sitting on and pulled me AND the chair closer. I looked at her suspiciously. My hand went to her forehead to see if she was having a fever or something.

"Angel I'm not sick, I just wanted some company" she said smiling, I leaned on the table with my forearms so her face was closer to mine.

"What happened to not being friends?" She was about to answer when the waiter, put our drinks on the table. I noticed a piece of paper under my drink and I grabbed it confused, it was his phone number. I looked back at him and he winked at me. I gave him a disgusted look and turned back still holding the piece of paper.

"What's that?" She asked taking a sip of her drink, I showed her the number with his name on it. Her eyes had a different look in them as she looked between the piece of paper and the waiter.

"I'll be right back" she grabbed that paper and walked to the waiter grabbing him by the collar and dragging him towards the bathrooms, I was just sitting there stunned. A few minutes later, she walked out with a smile and the waiter followed after her with a terrified look spitting on a trash can near by.

"What did you do?" I asked her curiously,

"Nothing he said he was really found of eating paper, weird right" she said innocently taking a sip of her drink again and smiled at me.

They're getting there I guess....


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