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The next day, Ichigo showed her group the drawing she did of the cake. It was a cake with white frosting and miniatures of Ringo and her classmates making a snowman. On the back were apple trees, and surrounding them were apples covered in snow.

"H-How is it?"

"It's cute," Andou leaned in to appreciate it better.

"Is it a snow park?" Hanabusa asked.

"It's the idea Naomi gave me," Ichigo explained, turning the page to show the flavors for the cake. "The students and apple trees will be made of marzipan. The snow dome will be apples covered in fresh cream."

"Ah... That will be my specialty," the bespectacled one pointed out.

"Snowman will be white chocolate filled with custard," she proceeded. "And the white apple is filled with custard cream."

"That's my task, right?" The blonde said.

"This seems fun, doesn't it?" Hanabusa smiled.

"You've captured the kindergarten students' traits very well," Andou complimented.

"The filling will be Naomi's recipe. Ringo-chan really liked the one from her apple pie," Ichigo concluded excitedly. "As a practice, could we try making this cake tonight?"

"Of course," the four agreed promptly.


Later that night, the four started making Ichigo's vision come true. Each Sweet Prince worked on their specialty, while the brown-haired girl helped Naomi with the cake under her guidance.

"Phew... To make all this takes quite some time," Ichigo passed her hand over her forehead after they finished the cake.

"But, it turned out really well," Hanabusa said.

"Hey," Andou called from the door. "Shall we go to the store?"

All of them agreed, but Caramel stayed behind to keep watch.

"I hope they have the lemon tart I couldn't taste last time because someone swallowed it like a vacuum," Pistachio glared at Ichigo pointedly.

The younger girl flinched before smiling sheepishly.

"Pistachio, you're being rude," Frosting admonished his brother.

It took them about half an hour to reach the store and buy the delicacies they wanted. Andou had the meat buns, and Hanabusa bought the new cafe latte.

"I bought a lot of newly made candy!" Ichigo cheered.

"That's a lot!" Vanilla gasped, peeking inside the plastic bag.

"Can't you wait till we get back to the cooking room?" Kashino gave Ichigo a look.

"Really, how vulgar," Chocolat criticized.

"Did you buy anything, Fae-san?" Blueberry asked.

"I got the lemon tart Pistachio wanted and a new chocolate cake," she answered and turned to Kashino. "Have you had the chocolate cake, Kashino? Mari told me they used nuts and honey on it."

The blond shook his head.

"You bought the last one."

"Then we can share it," she offered.

Kashino blushed.

"Y-You don't have--"

"It's okay," the older girl smiled reassuringly. "I'd like to know the opinion of the chocolate expert."

BITTERSWEET ▹ M. KASHINOحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن