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"So, how was your first day?" Henri asked through the phone

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"So, how was your first day?" Henri asked through the phone.

"The uniform is awful," was her first response.

The older Lucas laughed, expecting her to say something of the sort. If there was anything that Naomi's female Sweet Spirit did flawlessly, it was to rub her fashion sense in her.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about that. But what about classes? Did you meet Ichigo-chan?"

Naomi sighed, thinking about the girl who ran from the cooking class in tears after admitting her lack of cooking abilities.

"She gave in to the pressure. It also didn't help the high expectations from others. I never expected you would send someone who never baked before."

"She has a lot of untapped skills. Just give her a chance to prove herself."

"She came very underprepared. Didn't even try to learn some basic skills before coming."

"Fae, remember she's not as privileged as you are."

The girl pursed her lips in annoyance. Being privileged or not was a matter of perspective. Ichigo had resources, support, and inspiration from her grandmother to learn. She just didn't have the guts to chase it. If Naomi were to guess, she'd say that Ichigo went to St. Marie expecting to eat sweets instead of baking them.

But she didn't voice that.

"It's not about privilege. It's about will. And she has none." Henri sighed, knowing how harsh and demanding Naomi was about baking. It was a family thing. "But it has nothing to do with me. You chose her. She's here. Now it's up to her."

"I hope you can support her."

"There's a fine line between support and babysitting," Naomi gave him the benefit of the doubt. "I have to go. It's dinnertime."

"Take care, my Little Fairy."

"How dare he say such preposterous things!" Blueberry vented in anger once Naomi finished the call. "I thought he was a gentleman!"

"Please, calm down, My Princess," Frosting put a hand on her shoulder, making her blush. "I'm sure that's not what Henri-san meant to say."

"He's a smart guy. He wouldn't dismiss Fae-san's talents so carelessly," Pistachio stated.

"But he was being insensitive," pressed Blueberry.

"Perhaps," Frosting conceded. "But Henri-san would never hurt Fae-san's feelings on purpose."

"He also would never compliment her," she insisted, ending the conversation. They all knew it was a sensitive topic for Naomi.


At dinner, Ichigo didn't show up in the cafeteria. Naomi sat with the Sweet Princes as they welcomed her to their table, and they heard Ichigo's roommate saying she didn't know where the brown-haired girl was.

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