32. Separate

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William gets startled by the noise and raises his eyes from the book to look at him

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William gets startled by the noise and raises his eyes from the book to look at him. They widen and dropping the book on the bedside table William stands up, quickly taking a couple of steps to his bed.

"Hey." William says, reaching for his hand. His fingers are warm and dry, looking odd without all the rings. His face is bruised and cut but in William's eyes he never looked more perfect. "How are you feeling?"

Lennon tries to speak but fails and William gets him a glass of water and helps him drink a few sips. He pulls his chair closer to Lennon's bed.

"Like I've been hit by a car," Lennon manages to rasp, a shadow of a smile like it is actually a joke.

"Yeah." William stares at him, willing him to tell him what had happened without actually having to say the words.

He knows his throat hurts now and his mouth feels like it was filled with cotton. He'll wait. The only thing important is that he is alive and recovering. "You'll be alright. Doctors said you're out of danger. We were worried about the head injury but you were lucky, bab- " William closes his eyes as the word slips. He sighs, agony and relief fighting inside of him. He wants to take him in his arms and never let anything bad happen to him ever again. How did he let this happen? And then Lennon's face twists in agony as he feels pain. "You're hurting," William states. "I'm going to call the nurse."

"No." Lennon stops him. "Not yet."


"How long have I been here?" Lennon asks, his eyes looking glazed over in the bright light. Then he notices his right arm in a cast.

"Two days. You had surgery when they brought you. You have a fractured shoulder." William points a finger at it. "Your rib is cracked and hip also severely bruised. But you will heal."

"Have you been here the whole time?" he asks and William nods. "Did you sleep in that plastic chair?" William shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal. Lennon probably can see the dark circles under his eyes that confirmed he didn't have a proper sleep in a couple of days.

"My assistant brought me some clothes and toiletries," William says as he catches Lennon stare.

"William, I want you to go home," Lennon says and closes his eyes.


"I'm fine now."

"You're not fine, not yet. I'm going to call the nurse and we'll talk about this later." William reaches over the bed and presses the call button. "I'll let Jorja and the guys know you're awake, they barely left the hospital. They only allow two people in the room though, I think they just went to eat across the road," William rambles as Lennon still stares at him emotionless but probably in pain. A middle aged woman appears shortly after, her hair pulled back in a bun, her movements swift and professional, taking Lennon's vitals, writing everything down. William quietly leaves the room when the doctor comes in.

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