2. Butterflies and hurricanes

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Loud sounds of banging on the door is what wakes Lennon up and he is not happy

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Loud sounds of banging on the door is what wakes Lennon up and he is not happy. Disoriented and a bit foggy, he slowly shuffles to the hotel room door and even before he opens it he hears cheerful voices of Jorja and Nate. He groans.

"What the fuck, guys? Can you go away, please." Lennon tells them opening the door and slowly, still half asleep walks back to his warm, comfy bed.

"You know you opened the door naked, right? It could have been housekeeping ,"Jorja points out while entering and flops on the bed while Nate opens the curtains. Lennon hisses like he's a vampire being burnt by sun rays. He needs more sleep. He never sleeps as much as he should have.

"He really couldn't care less who sees his dick at this point, Jorja. So, who was blessed with that beautiful beast last night, Len?"

"Shut up, Nate. First you wake me up and then you insult me. And how do you even know anyone was blessed with it last night?" he is not actually offended. The whole point of them being friends for so long is the fact that they can casually make fun of each other and nobody takes offence.

"We knocked on your door around eleven and then after midnight," Jorja says while fighting with Lennon over the covers. Soon after she starts tickling him under his arm and Lennon can't take it anymore so he bursts laughing and cursing while trying to hit Jorja with a pillow. She has her long dark hair in cornrows this day, wearing the slightest makeup that enhances her natural beauty on her brown skin. She is feisty, brave, what you see is what you get type of girl and he can never be upset with her even if he tries. Nate joins them on the bed while switching the TV on and mindlessly flicking through the channels.

"Maybe I was in a library. Or sleeping. Or... " he sighs, giving up. "Oh, shut up, you two. Where is Sam?"

"Sam got up at seven, went for a jog, came back, had breakfast, did some shopping for his mum in Century 21 and went to an art exhibition in Brooklyn." Nate replies, almost like a proud parent.

"For fucks sake, " Lennon curses in frustration. "I really wanted to go to that exhibition, we talked about it for days, why didn't he wake me up. Man... " he covers his head with a pillow. "Could you at least switch the TV off, my head is about to explode!?"

"Don't care."

"It's my room. Get out."

"Technically, it's not your room. Some other people own the hotel. And we're not leaving, we need to get you all nice and ready for tonight's show. It's the last one of the US tour and our lead singer has to be on top of his game." Jorja hugs Lennon and kisses his temple and Lennon hugs her back still lying under his warm duvet, his hair tangled from sleep on the white pillows.

"I'm always on top of my game," he mumbles. "Yeah, all right I will get up. I only need some breakfast and I'll be cool," Lennon says while getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"Breakfast? It's half past one, mate. We'll go get some lunch." Nate laughs and Jorja throws a pillow at Lennon who is walking naked around the room looking for his phone.

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