26. Tattoos together

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William is so fucking beautiful it takes so much effort not to run his eyes all over his body in this Ralph Lauren t-shirt and jeans

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William is so fucking beautiful it takes so much effort not to run his eyes all over his body in this Ralph Lauren t-shirt and jeans. He is seriously considering calling Ralph and telling him that this fit and design is not acceptable because it can cause car crashes. He wants to linger on that face for more than two seconds, but unfortunately he has to keep his eyes on the road while this man sitting next to him in his car is creating a savage hunger deep within his mind and body he can barely contain.

He remembers last night at the bar with Liam, how William was staring at him, his eyes two blazing blue crystals in a confused face. Lennon almost left without saying goodbye, which would be rude to his best friend Liam, but his anger was stronger than feeling guilty. But he stayed.

He was not going to make this easy for him, why should he. He wanted to shame him. He showed no sign of emotion from the last time they met, he is all business. William apologized to him last night but he didn't buy it. He didn't actually know what he was apologizing for.

And it hurt him so much, he could at least say that he heard the song but couldn't answer back because his phone broke down. By the way thanks for that song, it was crap, but thank you. By the way the queen stopped by, and her corgi ate the envelope before I could open it, sorry. Anything. The stupidest lie.

He would feel better if William just acknowledged the end of their relationship. Or whatever that was - a fling, sex adventure, one-two-three-four-five-night stand, stupid crush.

"Why did you say you'll drive me today Lennon?"

Tricky question, Lennon thinks - Because I fucking want you more than anything or anyone I've ever wanted in my life. Because you fucking broke my heart and even now don't understand what that did to me. Because after you I barely let another person touch me just so they don't try to erase invisible marks that your touches left on my body. Because I will never be hurt that way again. You will be my ultimate test of control, that's why. Because by the end of this stupid work commitment I will care nothing for you and I'll finally be free of the fucking pain that I carried for the past year.

"Because I was thinking of getting another tattoo as well, so why not, right?" He chews on his gum and manages to stay calm.

"Right. I guess."

"And we have to get along if we're supposed to work together. Your words." Lennon's voice firm and determined, William moves his gaze from the window to Lennon's hands on the steering wheel, then on his face, but Lennon keeps his eyes on the road.

"Yes," he replies.

He rolls his precious vintage car he purchased half a year ago to a stop outside the tattoo parlour and attempts not to attract attention.

"So many people in this area, fucking hell,"  he grumbles. William shifts in the passenger seat. "Won't be easy without my bodyguard."

He parks in a space several feet away, hoping to blend while William flicks a lighter and lights the cigarette between his lips.

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