3. Hurricane drunk

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William leans on the bar, his bright, tipsy face scanning the bottles on the wall

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William leans on the bar, his bright, tipsy face scanning the bottles on the wall. Lennon is right by his side, chewing on his hangnail in thought. Observing William. 

There's something about this man - he knows he can't fuck him but still he can't make himself leave his company and go look for someone else who he can fuck. The bartender is there to take his order in a flash, her eyes focused on William's body only momentarily but Lennon notices it is much longer than usual. She hands him their drinks and then William's attention could finally be on him, Lennon thinks.

"So, Lennon. How deep do you want me to go?"

Lennon laughs so hard that he has to cover his face with both of his hands. His eyes crinkling. His heart warming up. Lennon is almost always flirting with handsome men when he is drunk, usually making them squirm and blush which would lead to an easy lay soon after. He is that intimidating, being in a band and also just being constantly told that he is drop dead gorgeous, since he was a teenager. There's that moment in time when his face was his worst enemy. But now because of that same face it is so easy to get laid and he definitely doesn't hate that, but somehow William doesn't take him seriously and makes a joke out of it. It is so easy to hold a conversation with him, they don't have to pretend, make things awkward by small talk or have to explain their humour, sarcasm and double meaning of their conversation. Sex jokes and shameless banter. It is easy and familiar. Lennon wants to kiss Liam for introducing him to this lovely human.

"How do you know Liam?" Lennon asks at some point.

"Well, when Liam first came to New York a couple of years ago he started working in the same architecture firm where my younger sister worked as an interior designer. She works in London mainly but visits the New York office sometimes too. At that time I just got a new place in West Village and Charlotte, my sister, really wanted to decorate it. So she brought Liam a few times over to my place to show him around and help him settle. So yeah, Liam and my sister are colleagues, sort of, and we all started hanging out."

"Oh, alright...I hated when Liam got that promotion, I selfishly wanted him to stay in England. But he seems happy, I'm glad. I'm glad he found someone nice to help him around." he points his glass at William and smiles, "This city can be lonely at times, " Lennon says.

"Believe me, I know," he swings his beer and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

"How so? You have an amazing girlfriend, shouldn't feel lonely, " Lennon questions.

"Yeah I'm lucky that I met her, but before that it definitely was lonely. I moved here by myself and didn't know anyone so it was hard for awhile."

"Why did a posh Londoner even move to dirty New York anyway?" Lennon asks jokingly.

"Why do you think I'm posh?" William moves uncomfortably.

"Well your accent man, I'm thinking Kensington and Chelsea? Is that why you came here, to charm all American girls with your accent?"

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