1. Dissociation

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It's almost 8 o'clock in the evening and he is bored out of his mind

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It's almost 8 o'clock in the evening and he is bored out of his mind. That's why he decides to come down from his hotel room to get some snacks and a bottle of something to lift up his mood.
The queue is not that long, only a teenage girl with short pink hair buying a can of Coke and a middle aged man who seems to just be  finished with his shift at one of the many construction sites in the area of Lower Manhattan if his dusty uniform and hard hat is anything to go by.
Lennon is not in a hurry, not at all.

He's been trying to sleep all afternoon, and failed. White lines, pretty pastel pills, hash in the pipes might be the reason for it. He has nothing to do until tomorrow evening when he is performing his last gig in New York before going back home to London.
But somehow every sound around him makes him irritated - maybe it's the lack of sleep, or lack of mood enhancers. He can hear the beeping of the cash register and how slow it is. He can hear the girl's zipper open on her backpack to put the Coke in. He hears loud sounds of a firefighter truck just outside of the supermarket. He can't take it, he just wants to get out of there. All of a sudden he is interrupted from his inner madness by the woman at the checkout in front of him.

"Excuse me, sweetheart, did you want that or not?"

"What?", he blinks and whips his gaze to her, confused. "Sorry. Yes, please." 

Lennon clears his throat and apologizes even though he really doesn't mean it because she was so slow anyway. 

"And this too." he quickly grabs a packet of strawberry flavoured gum from the small shelf on the side. She rolls her eyes. He smirks.

 "Actually I'll have the watermelon too.", he picks another packet. "Do you have orange flavour? That's my favourite. You know, not too sweet but not too sour." she just glares at him and wordlessly reaches for the box on the shelf behind her and digs into it. She scans the orange flavoured gum when she finds it and puts it in the bag.

"Peachy. Oh, peach. Should I have peach? Don't like peaches much though." she doesn't say anything but he smiles wide and cocky. He's not a mean person but she asked for it. We all have different miseries and problems, maybe hers are worse than yours.

His mind is playing tricks on him. He quickly swipes his card and rushes out of there instantly forgetting the whole conversation. Now that he's outside on Broadway Ave all those sounds keep getting louder. Clattered feet on New York pavement and car noises, he can hear it all. But that's not the problem. The problem is that his mind is blank.

For a while now Lennon can't find any inspiration for anything in his life. He didn't write a song in months and although his band is doing just fine with their first tour in America promoting their debut album he can't find that one thing that would move him forward, back to his old self full of ideas and plans for his music career. Because music is all he has. He is stuck and completely alone standing in the middle of the biggest city in the world. He listens and listens. He strains his mind so hard. For a sound that will maybe light up something inside him, inspire him to run up to his hotel room and take that guitar and write one verse at least.

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