13. I want the one I can't have | NSFW

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Lennon's phone is ringing again and his heart skips a beat in hope it is William

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Lennon's phone is ringing again and his heart skips a beat in hope it is William. But it isn't and he just ignores it because he doesn't feel like talking to anyone else.

He promised he would call him, and Lennon firmly believes that promise made in the state they were in certainly can't be broken. After William made him reach all those highs in only one night it was like some liquid adrenaline had been injected right into his bloodstream strong enough to make him tingle, to move his body from that long hibernation it was in. His blue eyes were wild, his touch made Lennon feel just a little more lost, and a little more at home.

A few passersby recognise them but they're not disturbed, rarely any locals will approach them in their own neighbourhood. He is sitting in a Camden pub garden just near his and Jorja's rental flat, it is a sunny and windy afternoon, so he pulls his hair in a high messy bun sipping his coffee with Nate and Sam after they finished their session in a studio. He ended up playing Love is a laserquest by Arctic Monkeys over and over again. And for a minute it gets easier to pretend that you were just some lover. They are in the studio two days in a row. The second day after William. He is everywhere, in his thoughts constantly, in his body still, putting a smile on his face whenever he feels a bit of discomfort down there.

There hasn't even been the possibility of comparing any of what he'd done to him to what Lennon experienced last time he bottomed. Yes, he was nervous about William being completely inside of him, but he knew that as long as he focused on him, his face, voice, smell, everything would be okay. Even since he was sitting next to him at the hotel bar, fully clothed, his emotional essence was naked. In a good way. And that never happened with anyone he met before.

His phone chimes. It says William.

He smiles.

His stomach sinks heavily. Flashback of William pounding hard into him while calling him beautiful. The message is simple and short, he's asking Lennon how he is. He has an idea.

"Guys, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, where are you going, I thought we're going to yours?" Nate questions him while Lennon is already sitting up, calling William.

"Sorry mate, something came up." Lennon has a wide smile on his face, dimples showing, and William answers his call. He missed the sound of his voice. "Hey. I have an idea if you're free now?" He says into the phone waving to his friends as he leaves the pub.

"Yeah, right. Someone more likely." Nate shakes his head.


Lennon picks William up from his hotel in a yellow Ford Fiesta. The familiar smell of him fills in the car as he sits down and Lennon starts driving.

"Hey. Didn't see you as a Ford Fiesta guy."William smiles at him.

"Haha. It's not mine, it's Jorjas. I don't have a car yet, thinking about buying one soon, hopefully," Lennon explains. They still don't make a lot of money, even though they're quite popular in the UK. Lennon is not bothered by it, he lives quite comfortably as it is, sharing a flat with Jorja is something he actually enjoys and cars he really doesn't need much with all the touring.

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