Chapter 31

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No no no. I wasn't going to go through this again. No more mates. I've had enough of them.

I took a step back and an emotion of hurt was plastered on his face. My heart clenched at that but I wouldn't let that blind me.

I needed to get out of here. Get a bus or something to the human world away from all this and start my life over

"Why are you moving away from me"he rasped out as he took a step foward whilst I took a step back

"Please dont come any closer"I whispered.

For someone who had a really strong will and the urgency to leave ,I sounded like a submissive mouse. I wanted to look strong and fearless but the man standing right infront of me towered me by over six inches.

He was really tall and his shoulders were broad. He had alot of muscle on him but in a good way and I was sure his arms were able to lift me.

I had the sudden urge to run into his arms and let them wrap all around me. Maybe he would be different. Different from Kyle. Different from Xavier. Different from Aaron.

"Little mate. I promise I wont hurt you"he said while his hands were raised in a sign of surrender.

Did he just call me little

"Wait. I am not little!"I yelled and all he did was smile

"Stop smiling!"

"Well aren't you the most amusing little thing I've come across"he chuckled

"Are you mocking me?"

"No"he said sarcastically

"Where I'm I?"

"In my pack"

"How long have I been here?"

"Five years!"he deadpanned

Lies. He was lying. I was sure of it so I decided to test the waters and get him tangled in his own lie

"Six years?"I asked softly and made some tears to well up in my eyes.

"Yes !"

"What happened then. Why dont I remember anything"

"Thats because you were in a comma my love"

My love?Oh this fool is so going to get it after this

"What happened?Why was I in a comma in the first place"

"Rogues. They attacked and you were in the fields by then. I treid so hard to get to you but I failed"

"My parents . Where are they then?'

"They died in the rogue attack"

Another lie

"And what about my brothers and sisters"

I was as sure as hell that he'd finally get caught

"I'm sorry love. They were part of the few people that died that night"

And there you have it. This guy is nothing but a liar. Heck I dont even have siblings.

"So I have noone left huh"I sighed preparing for the final blow

"You have me. Your mate. You're my Luna and you have the pack now"

"Before the attack I made a promise to my family that we would never be separated"


"I am going to join them before the sun sets today"

He visibly panicked and I was happy. I hate liars.

"Do you have a knife nearby?"I asked sweetly

"Why would I give you a knife. If you are thinking of trying to die well think again"

I walked over toward sthe vase next to the window and dropped it . I pcked a sharp shard and waved it in the air

"What do you think you are doing"

"Joining my family. I wish you happiness though. Till we meet again"I smiled positioning the shard right above my heart. All it needed was to be shove in and it would all end.

He knew I was capable of doing it

"I'm sorry little mate. I lied. Your family didn't die. Heck I dont eevn know if you have a family. I dont know who you are either. All I know is that your my mate"

He was being honest.

"Lets start from the beginning. Who are you?"

"I'm Alpha River Incradior and you my dear are my mate"


He shudderd at the sound of his name.

"Yes little one"

"I'm Natalia, got it and were fucked up"

"Fucked up?"

"Forgive me for my language but thats the case"


"Well let's just say your not the only mate I have"

"I am aware"

"So you know I'm mated to the king and some other alpha?"

He remained silent

"They will wage war River and I dont want any casualties because of me"

"I'll fight for you"

"I dont want you to. You have a pack to take care of. Are you willing to risk their lives for me"

He stayed silent

"I just need to get a bus to somewhere far from the territories within. I'll start a new life living among the humans. Get a shop. Start a small business and possibly find love there"

He growled at that

"I wont let you leave me. I just got you. I cant loose you again"

"I'm human River. I'm very fragile . Unlike you wolves I bleed when I fall down. I dont have your super healing abilty. I bruise really easily. My life is a bit sorry is messed up and I'm not going to let you carry that. I'm a burden"

His arms wrapped around me silencing me

"You are worth it and I'm sure my pack would agree. If its war the king wants then I'll wage war to keep you safe. I'm just as messed up inside as you so we'll figure it out but I'm not letting you go"

"I cant trust easily"

"We'll have time to build it then"

"I need you to be patient with me"I whispered

"For you I will"he whispered into my hair

"And you cant give up on me!No matter what!"

I needed reassuarance.

He let a light chuckle at that


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