Chapter one

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As I walked down the street the morning chill and breeze tore into my skin . I would have worn a jumper but Greg burnt my last one yesterday saying that I didn't need one.

As I saw the school entrance I just prayed to the stars to help me have a smooth day. I was in no condition to get stressed up for the bruises on my back and arms were torture enough.

The halls were fully packed and it made me feel suffocated. I was never comfortable being around a lot of people. I give thanks to Greg for that. I walked to my locker but I felt watched. I ignored that feeling and took my books.

"There you are "


"Talia, I thought something bad happened to you,don't you ever scare me like that again"

" Asia stop overreacting "

"Overreacting honey you're in a school full of unmated wolves and you still say I'm overreacting"

"I'm sorry Asia"

" What did I say about apologising "

"That It's wrong and I shouldn't care about what others feel or think,"

" My baby's finally growing up" she said dramatically wiping a fake tear from her eye"

Oh Asia what would I do without her.

"Asia do you by any chance have a sweater I could borrow?"

"What happened to the one I gave you yesterday?"

I looked down trying to hide the emotion of pain before it slipped

"Greg "

"Natalia" she whispered.

She gave me the look that I was quite familiar with. Pity and disgust. The pity was towards me for undergoing everything Greg did to me in silence and the disgust was toward the person who caused the multiple injuries that were scattered all over my body.

"Honey you need to speak up! If you wont then I'll do it for you"she huffed

I gave her a simple smile and shook my head. If only she knew the countless number of times I sought for help but ended up with more bruises . If only she knew the number of times I broke down because I knew that there was never going to be an escape

"Ok then, I guess you can have this"she said as she took off her denim jacket.

"What about you, wont you get cold"I pleaded, I didn't want her to freeze because of me.

"Its ok , I'm a werewolf remember ,I'm naturally hot"

"Warm Asia, you are naturally warm'

"And that's why you are the smart one in our little group"

"I'm the only one in our little group"

"That's why I love you my little adorable friend"

"Thanks for the jacket Asia"

"No problem Talia but I need to head to class now. I'll see you at lunch ok?"


She gave me a gentle hug for she was being mindful of my bruises before she left.

I let out a sigh and headed to my locker to get my books for class. My heart began to pound for an unknown reason. I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

It seemed like the odds were not in my favor today. Someone pushed me from behind and I ended up slamming hard onto a wall.

The claw marks on my abdomen did not help in my current situation. I took in a gulp of air before regaining my composer.

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