Chapter 15

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"I got you a dress and a mask"Aaron said holding both
"How did you get those ?"

"My grandma Beth"


"But nothing. Hurry and get dressed. I'll guard the door so that no hormonal guy gets to see you undressed"

I decided to test the waters with him abit

"And what if I want some hormonal guy to see me naked" I teased and he frowned.

"Then I'd pluck their eyes out and cast a spell to transport them to the middle of the ocean where they would be surrounded by man eating sharks!"

I should have read the signs

"And why would you do that Aaron. Come on tell me"I chuckled and he closed the distance between us until there was no such thing as space left between our bodies.

His breath intermingled with mine and our breathing became synchronised. All it needed was just a slight move and our lips would touch.

He lowered his head and placed a kiss underneath my ear that made me shiver in delight.

"Because you Natalia are mine ok. You are mine to hold,mine to kiss mine to touch mine to love and mine to observe" he whispered and it made me gulp because that sounded hot.

If you would have told me some months ago, that I'd be in such a situation with an absolutely gorgeous guy, then I would have called you crazy.

I stepped back and nodded because uttering a word right now would surely embarass me.

I watched as he left and I changed into the outfit he brought.

I had no set of make up nor anyone to do my hair or my nails. As I dressed I thought of how far I've gotten in life.

I shook my head to get rid of the sad thoughts.

I choose to be happy

I was going to a party full of rich people but who cares.

I put the dress on and I felt pretty in it. As for my hair ,I let it down for the first time and trully it grew. It laid just below my hips. I ran my fingers through my hair and put my mask on.

"I'm done!"I yelled.

Aaron walked in but once he saw me he stopped as in literally.

He just stared at me and for a minute I thought that he had stopped breathing.

So I look that bad. I didn't have a mirror so I had no idea how I looked like. My ugliness must have made him go into shock

"I know I have no make up on and my hair is a mess but I.."

"Who are you and what have you done to my sweet innocent looking Alia"

"Is it that bad?"

"Bad?Quite the opposite you look ravishing Damn. How I'm I going to keep all those males away from you"

"Aaron"I chuckled.

"You have no make up or accesories. You are not even trying at all yet you've managed to take my breath away"

I smiled and he kissesd me softly.

"I shouldn't have done that"

"Done what "

"Kissed you"

"But why"

"Because your lips now look plump full and kissable"

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