Chapter 42

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Kai's POV

The room flashed white and I was blinded, completely frozen in place. I whipped my head to look behind me and the world slowed. As if someone adjusted the speed of life. I looked to my dad, my eyes wide and full of alarm.

The gun dropped from his hand in slow motion. Blood dripped from the middle of his forehead, creating a ghastly ring around a bullet hole. My eyes jumped up to his and they rolled back inside his head. A shaky breath escaped my lips as my dad's body fell backward.

It was like I had forgotten how to breathe as I stared at the dead man's now unnaturally stiff body. The shot's echo in my head drowned out the noise, the only sound registering in my ears being my own trembling breath.

My eyes turned to follow the source of the flash of light, "Carter?" My brows were tightly knit. He stood right in front of the backdoor, the same entrance Lucas and I had used. He quickly holstered his gun and rushed over to Lucas. I quickly followed suit, running and reaching the barely conscious boy in just a few steps.

I slid down next to Charlotte who released her hands from Lucas' wounds. She held them up in front of her face, a look of terror taking over as dark red liquid dripped from her fingers onto her hands and wrists and then onto the floor. Her eyes and body violently shook as she shuffled away from us. She turned to her side and heaved, small amounts of opaque orange liquid spilling from her mouth.

"H-how-" I couldn't get the strangled words out of my throat as I quickly jumped on Lucas, putting pressure where Charlotte's hands had been. Salty water rushed out of my eyes, quickly drenching my face. My vision was blurred red from my tears, the only thing in my line of sight being the blood pooling around him.

I could faintly hear Carter run out of the living room, making his way to the front door and slamming the wooden entrance open.

"What are you doing?" My voice cracked. "Help him! Please," I sobbed. Carter stood in the middle of the street looking around and then jogging back inside after he found whatever he was looking for.

"Keep applying pressure just like that," he ordered me before pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Captain, I need an ambulance at 832 Failon Drive. One civilian injured with a gunshot wound and another in less severe condition. Sangtae Yoon is no longer a threat," he spoke as he glanced over at the lifeless form. "Yes. Yes, sir. Okay," He placed his phone away and knelt near me.

He placed his hands over mine and I glanced at him before slipping my hands out from under his. I sat there, completely helpless as I uncontrollably sobbed. I brought my bloodstained hands up to Lucas' face and cupped his cheeks, "Lucas, Lucas, please. Keep your eyes open! You have to stay awake!!" I desperately whispered. The color had completely drained from his face. His once full, pink lips were now a shriveled pale white. I stroked his face only to smear blood on his skin. His eyes fluttered as he struggled to focus on the world. His bloodshot eyes traveled all over my face as if he was studying me, taking me in for the last time.

Lucas' breathing was heavy, "K-ka," his mouth was slightly parted, but he couldn't get any words out.

I heard a string of incomprehensible mumbles and quickly bent my head down to kiss his forehead. I wasn't sure if it was to comfort him or me. "Shh," I shakily hummed, "It's okay. Y-you're going to be fine. I-I promise." When I raised my head I was met with the whites of Lucas' eyes as they rolled back into his head, his eyelids soon closing. His torso convulsed and gasps of air escaped his throat, the oxygen seemingly getting stuck in his throat, unable to get to his lungs.

"Nonononono. No! Lucas, no, please! Please wake up!" I lightly jostled his cold face in my hands as my tears dripped onto his colorless face. Snot was running down my nose and I cried louder than I ever had before. "I can't- I can't lose you. Don't l-leave me," I repeatedly ran my hands through his hair as I rocked back and forth with his head in my lap.

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