Chapter 13

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Lucas's POV

All I could do was hold him.

And I did.

My arms were tightly wrapped around his waist and my bare chest was pushed against Kai's back, my head buried in the crook of his neck.

He wasn't crying anymore. Now was the moment of calm after the storm. The moment of peacefulness as the exhaustion sets in.

Kai faced my wall with the blue light of my LEDs dimly lighting his features.

The house was quiet and all that could be heard was the soft breathing of the boy in my arms.

I was beginning to think he had fallen asleep until he spoke up. With a croaky voice, "He was never arrested, my dad. He completely disappeared off the grid and the cops couldn't find him. But even if they did, the most he would get is domestic violence."

"Y'know, I don't fight at Mad Dog just for the money," He continued.

"Really?" I asked.

"Since I've already told you so much I may as well just explain everything. But yeah. There's someone I need to find, and I can only get to him if I rise to the very top of the ranks."

I was surprised, I had just assumed he was in it for the money, I mean Kai made 500K from winning One-on-One. Out of thousands of people, Kai won 1st place. He won 15 rounds straight without losing a single match and the money just kept accumulating with every win, and the prize for winning increased each round. And that's not even including all the bet money he gets a cut of.

"The person that owns Mad Dog, Song Byungjoon, is actually my dad's old best friend from before... you know. They were friends even back in Korea and ended up both moving from Korea to America around the same."

I quietly replied, not wanting to break the calm atmosphere, "Why do you want to find him?"

I could feel Kai stiffen a bit, his hands balled into fists and his jaw was clenched, "Revenge. I want revenge on that motherfucker. For everything he did to my family... and what he did to me."

"But how is your dad's old friend going to help with that?" I asked.

"I can't be certain, but if there is anyone in the world who knows where my dad is, it'd be him." I could feel the determination in his voice.

"So... revenge." That's a dark path to take, but considering what Kai's dad did and Kai's personality, his decision to take revenge is not surprising.

Kai rolled over so he was now facing me, his head resting on my arm and his yellow-hazel eyes and pink, plump lips only inches from mine.

No Lucas. Bad. This is not the time, we are having an extremely serious conversation.

"Hmmm... where should I even start?" Kai thought out loud.

"Well," he began, "You know how I use a fight name at Mad Dog, right?"

"Yeah, it was Fury right? Sounds pretty dope."

"Yeah it sounds cool, but I actually picked it for the meaning. It's pronounced Fury, but it's spelled f-u-r-i-a-e. They're the Roman goddesses of vengeance and retribution against crimes like homicide and unfilial conduct."

"Oh..." That makes sense. "So you go by a name that fits your situation literally perfectly."

Kai laughed, "Yes dumbass, that's why I picked it in the first place." There was a small smile on his face.

We stared into each other's eyes, I can't get enough of how beautiful this boy is. Neither of us said another word, We just laid there in silence, studying each other's faces. Who would've guessed that the guy I've fought with for the past three years while simultaneously having a crush on him would be lying in my bed?

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