Chapter 18

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A/N - So I'm one week into school and I'm already completely overwhelmed haha... I never realized college apps were so much work either... Anyway, I hope everyone likes this fluffy chapter! :)

(and the song is mentioned later in the chapter, you'll see, just thought I'd put it here if anyone was interested in listening to it)


Kai's POV

"Should we go to the gym I work at?" Lucas asked me as I grabbed our plates and the empty pizza box to discard them.

We were sitting on the floor in front of my bed finishing up our dinner while watching the last match from the first day of Doubles. Today's fights weren't impressive, I could win each match single-handedly.

Lucas stood up, brushing his hands against each other to get any remaining crumbs off, "Even if we can take these guys, it might not be as easy down the line. I think it'd be good to get used to fighting with each other rather than against."

"Yeah, we might not have time to practice later so we should start now. I don't know how many pros joined for this tournament, but I'm sure the number rose now that they can get publicity and won't be breaking any laws." I agreed. We had never fought together so it would be wise to work on our dynamics.

"Let me change first, I'm not about to work out in a pair of jeans," I told Lucas as I moved to grab a pair of black shorts, grabbing a plain black tank top as well.

I changed quickly and looked over to Lucas, noticing what he was wearing, "Do you need some clothes to change into?" I asked.

"Nah, I have some spares in the locker room."

We walked outside and the sky was already black, the parking lot illuminated by flickering street lights and the vibrant fast food signs in the distance. I climbed into the passenger seat of Lucas's car. He turned on the radio as he backed out of his sport, and the song that came on was too fitting.

I listened to the lyrics as they blasted out of the speaker,

We are ready for a street fight

And damn if I didn't know better this song almost sounded as if it was about me.

It made me laugh.

Lucas turned his head to see what I thought was so funny and he was met with a large smile.

Instantaneously the smile spread to his face and his expression mirrored mine. It felt like he knew exactly what I was laughing about.

Lucas seemed to know the song so he turned the music up even louder and rolled down the windows.

He began to sing the lyrics to the song, shouting so that his voice could be heard.

I stuck my hand out the window and felt the wind blowing between my fingers. Lights were flashing in my eyes as the occasional car would pass us.

The stars were shining bright and Lucas's voice could be heard in the background, singing his heart out to what may now be my new favorite song.

I'm a bad dream, and you can't wake

Nothing's gonna kill me

Nothing's gonna stand in my way

Are you talking to me?

Are You talking to me?

The moment was surreal, peaceful even. It reminds me of all those teen movies that are shoved in your face starting from a young age that tell you, 'This. This is what your high school years are supposed to look like.' I always hated those movies, just because of how unrealistic they are.

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