Chapter 27

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Sarah's POV

I let out a heavy sigh as I looked past Jack's head and watched an equally angry and broken Kai walk into his house.

The second his door closed Jack leaned his head back against his seat, strongly gripping the wheel in front of him.

We sat silently in the parking lot, both still shocked from the semi-final fight. It doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense.

The street lamp illuminated our faces, creating a shadow on the bottom of our facial features. My thick eyeliner made my eyes look like a raccoon in the dark lighting. I moved the sleeves of my soft pink sweatshirt toward my chin, resting my head as my eyebrows creased.

"You don't think this is right either," I stated rather than asking Jack.

He removed one hand from the wheel and pushed it through his thick blonde locks, "No. From the very beginning, I knew something was off. When I saw Kai crying for the first time, I had no choice but to side with him. Trying to pry and figure out what actually happened when he was that emotional would've just made things worse."

I chewed my lip, thinking back to the sobbing Kai, "Me too. I wanted to say something to him, but it's like he doesn't even want to listen. He's so wrapped up in his own world he can't see what's really going on."

"For fucks sake, we don't even know what Lucas actually said to him. All we got is that Lucas told him he wasn't actually gay, but there had to have been something else. Like context or something," Jack looked through his windshield up at Kai's door.

"I want to talk to them. Both of them," I spoke in a worried tone.

"Me too, and shit did you see Lucas at school? He looked so fucking sad, and he looked beaten up too, badly."

"I know, I saw. I wanted to talk to him but I kept getting the feeling he doesn't like me so I hesitated. And I know you also wanted to talk to him, but Kai and Zay were avoiding him so much we only saw him once this morning."

"And shit, what was up with that fight-" Jack didn't get to finish his sentence as his phone began to ring in the pocket of his light blue denim jeans.

He pulled it out and looked at the home screen. He looked surprised and turned it toward me. The caller ID read as Lucas.

I gestured my hands urgently, motioning for him to pick up. Jack quickly changed the call to speakerphone and held it in between us, just above the middle console.

"Hey, Lucas," Jack was surprised at the call.

We could hear lots of voices in the background, "H-hey Jack," Lucas stuttered. "I uh, I know we aren't friends, but I don't have anyone else I can call." His voice sounded weak and hurt.

Jack gave me a questioning glance, mouthing the words, What's he talking about? "It's no problem. Are you okay?"

"Um, no. Not really," Lucas' voice was shaky; he sounded as if he was on the verge of tears. "Do-do you think you could pick me up? I don't think I can drive right now," his voice was quiet.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. Of course, I can pick you up. Are you still at Mad Dog?" Jack and I exchanged several worried and confused glances.

Surprised by Kai's plea, Jack started his engine and began driving to Mad Dog before Kai could even reply.

"Yeah," Lucas groaned as loud cheering echoed in the background. "I'm still at Mad Dog."

"Okay, I'm with Sarah. I'll be there in about 15."

"Thank you," Lucas hung up.

Jack was speeding and I clutched onto the bottom of my seat below my short black skirt, "Holy shit Jack, why are you going so fast?"

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