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Seeing all of these questions made me feel so giddy inside, I even went overboard in answering some because they put me in a good mood!


How old are you?

I started this story when I was 15. Now I'm 17, but I'll be 18 in a couple of weeks!

How tall are you?

5'6 (barely)

At what age did you start to take writing more seriously?

I started Badly Broken about three years ago, but I was dealing with severe mental health issues at the time and I was also trying to write other stories at the same time so I ended up dropping everything I was doing. I was 15 back then.

I tried to pick writing back up several times after that, but it didn't work out. It wasn't until last summer that I started taking it more seriously. Because of quarantine, I was finally able to get into the right headspace to right lightheartedly and freely. I got a couple of comments asking me to continue the story even though I hadn't updated in years.

At first, I went in with the mentality that I'll just give it a shot and drop it if it gets too stressful or boring. But then I started to get more attention and I began to realize that some people actually enjoyed my story, which was extremely motivating.

I began to enjoy writing it more and more, but I didn't start truly taking it seriously until around August this year. So to answer your question, I didn't start taking writing more seriously until I was 17, just before my senior year of high school started.

How do you write so well?

Writing has always been one of my strong suits, but my specialty is writing formal things such as essays. At first, I had a really hard time making this story fun because I was so used to writing in a strictly academic way, but the more I wrote, the better I became at it. My writing isn't perfect and I still make a lot of mistakes, I am also pretty bad at editing, but I'm trying my best :) Also, I believe I am only good at writing because I am complete shit when it comes to math :)

How many chapters are left of this story?

I don't have an exact number, but there should be around 10, possibly less, and possibly more. (I will be finishing Badly Broken before I start any other stories)

What are your plans for the next story?

I actually have five stories in my drafts that I have detailed plots for in my head. I haven't completely decided if I am going to write Kalen's storyline next or follow my original plan to write a best friends to lovers story that heavily deals with homophobia and mental illness. And although that story will be heart wrenching, even so, compared to that I am only in the mood to write Kalen's story when I'm extra sad... So I might wait to start it until the weather gets a bit more gloomy. I will start planning my next story out after I finish Badly Broken.

I'm really interested to know what got you into writing.

It's actually not a very interesting story. I didn't start writing because I like it. It was because I have so many ideas and stories swirling around in my head, and the only thing I can do with them is to write them down. I had read countless stories and there were always things I wish could have happened, so I took my own ideas and mixed it with things I wanted to read about. I actually hated writing stories when I first started. I didn't want to actually be the one to write it, I wasn't good at it and it took so much time. At first (6th-10th grade) I would have rather seen them in a TV show or as an anime, writing used to feel like a chore to me. It wasn't until recently that I started enjoying actually writing.

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