Chapter 40

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Kai's POV

"What do you mean they didn't leave?" Jamilla's voice was shaky, her nose stuffed from her excess tears.

I took my bottom lip in between my teeth, harshly biting the pink flesh. I threw both my hands into the air, brushing through my hair and blowing out a deep breath of air in an attempt to alleviate some of my stress, "I've been tracking her phone and it hasn't moved at all since Saturday," I explained.

"Th-then-" she didn't finish her sentence, her eyes conveying all of her emotions and uncertainties. Her tears stained her dark, ebony skin, making the streaks on her face a slightly lighter shade of brown.

I glanced at Lucas, fear burning in my eyes. I gave an urgent nod, indicating that we needed to leave.

He glanced around at all of our friends that were still seated, more than confused about the situation, but most likely piecing things together.

Lucas nodded his head back, jumping off of the bench, "I'll call Carter." He pulled his phone up to his ear as he leaped into a fast jog, running through the crowds of people.

"If I go home, does that mean I'll find Charlotte?" she asked with saddened eyes.

"I think she's at your house, yes. But that means that my dad is too..."

She let out a breath, her body trembling at the overwhelming thoughts. She rubbed her red eyes with the palm of her hands, "What should I do? I can't just sit here and do nothing. I can't leave her alone when I know where she is! I have to go home! I have to help her!" Her words came out panicked and fast.

"We called the cops, so they'll be at your house as soon as they can. I'll go too," I reassured her as Lucas' car pulled up to the closest curb. "We'll go now, but if you go too, no matter what, don't try and look for her. My dad is a lot more dangerous than you think." I looked her in the eyes as I spoke, trying my best to get my point across, not wanting another innocent person to get caught up in this mess.

I gave her one last glance before I jogged up to Lucas' car, yanking the door open and throwing my body into the seat. The second the door was closed Lucas was speeding out of the bustling lot.

"Carter and his unit were investigating a separate case and they won't be able to come back for another couple hours," Lucas breathed out, his eyes unblinking and his focus unwavering from the road as he drove over the speed limit.

"What!?" I shouted, "But this is a life or death situation! He might actually kill her!"

"I know..."

"Fuck!" I shouted, bringing my fist down on the dashboard in front of me. My eyebrows were tightly knit and my hands couldn't stop clenching and unclenching.

"He told me that he'd send some patrol cars in the area to search the house," Lucas explained, making a sharp left turn that had me slamming into the side of the door.

I leaned back against the seat, taking in the view in front of me. Lucas swerved in and out of lanes, avoided cars left and right. I closed my eyes, shutting them as tightly as I could and banging my head against the headrest.

Honestly, I had no clue what to expect. Option A, my dad killed Charlotte and buried her in the backyard just like he did to Ace. Option B, he's holding her captive in a secret room or basement of some kind. Option C, he did in fact find her phone and then proceeded to leave it somewhere in the house. None of these had good outcomes, because the likelihood that he hurt Charlotte was extremely high.

At first, I questioned if he would really injure her or not, after all, the reason he beat the shit out of me was because he blamed me for my mom's death. But then again, my brother was innocent and he was still starved, neglected, and eventually killed. Who's to say he won't do the same to Charlotte.

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