Chapter 29

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Kai's POV

I was sitting up in my bed, leaning against the headboard as Lucas' head laid in my lap. His eyes were closed, sleep completely overtaking the boy as I ran my fingers through his hair. His arms were curled up near his chest and his face leaned toward my stomach.

His breathing was slow, the only noise in the room were the sounds of his soft breaths.

I looked down at his face, gently brushing my fingers over the bruise near his cheek. His dark brown eyelashes were long and thick, it made his sleeping face seem almost ethereal.

Lucas' words echoed in my head. Violence was no stranger to our relationship, but the second we became more than simple enemies I should have focused on the new boundaries we unknowingly drew.

With his concussion he won't even be able to fight at Mad Dog next week, throwing away nearly four years worth of effort in finding my dad. But I can't even complain... it's all my fault, after all.

There was a small knock at the door and Sarah slowly opened the handle, peeking her head in. A small smile broke onto her face.

She walked in, gently shutting the door so as to not wake Lucas. She moved to my desk, hugging her white skirt to her thighs as she sat down.

"I'm happy you two were able to talk. I think you both really needed this," Sarah whispered.

I nodded, "Can I ask why you tried so hard to fix our relationship?" I asked her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm really thankful, I'm just curious..." I spoke quietly.

Sarah sighed, "The us that exists now is a completely different version than when we were in elementary school, we've only known this version of each other for a week. Yet, even so, I hated seeing you like that. So oblivious and needlessly angry. And how could I ignore Lucas? It's been a long time since I've seen someone look as broken as him, I was surprised you couldn't see how much Lucas was hurting. Especially since it seems like most of his problems are not just randomly popping up now... "

"And sure, I may have overstepped my bounds a bit since your fight with Lucas only started a couple of days ago, but I didn't want to wait to see if things would end good or bad. I don't think either of you deserves to hurt more than what you both have already endured. Just like you, Lucas has some serious shit that he's been through. In the future, I sincerely hope you and Lucas will be there for each other. You have both suffered through so much, but I think that with time both of you will be able to heal, if you help each other that is," Sarah spoke, sounding uncharacteristically wise.

"Thank you, really. If it weren't for you I can't even imagine where we'd be right now. Id probably still be flipping my shit, and Lucas... fuck, I would have never known," I breathily whispered, sadly looking down at the boy who was fast asleep.

Sarah stood up, taking one last glance at Lucas and me, "You and Lucas really suit each other. I think everything will turn out okay," she had a warm gaze. "Lucas, he's broken... just like you. So make sure to take care of him, little bro."

"I will. I messed up, but I'm not the kind of person to make the same mistake twice."

She opened the door and turned to me before she left, "Good, make it up to him, Kai," Sarah closed the door behind her, the noise causing Lucas to stir.

A loud groan came out of Lucas' mouth as he squeezed his eyes, stretching his arms above his head.

He huffed as he lowered his arms, his eyelids fluttering open, "I guess it wasn't a dream," the tired boy mumbled, still half asleep.

I chuckled, "No, not a dream."

Lucas moved to get up from my lap, but halfway up he brought a hand to the side of his head, "Ugh. I have a headache."

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