Chapter XXXXV

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Cassie sat by the water, looking at the moon's reflection. Her shorts and hoodie did nothing to protect her from the cold. A gentle breeze flew towards the water and Cassie absentmindedly noted that she needed a haircut. 

"What do you want?" she asked her mate who had quietly appeared behind her. She did not turn around. 

He did not speak, sitting down next to her. 

Cassie made to move away but he caught her hand, still not looking at her, eyes fixed at the water.

Her eyes flitted between her hand and his face, before she finally made her decision, and sat back down.

The water moved in gentle waves.

The grass scratched Cassie's long legs.

Drystan spoke, "I loved Freya. I loved her to the point of abdication. To the point of death."

A beat of silence passed while Cassie tried to figure out what to say.

He continued, "Sana has never mentioned this but I know he held her favor. The thing was, so did I. She was a wonderful woman but she did not choose. And when I realized that she would not and that she was mated to Lyracus, I left. It was a coward's way out. I told Amricus to keep an eye on her. He took turns with Sana."

The moonlight blinked as a passing cloud covered it.

"When I came back, the war was relentless. Love had made me do stupid things. I had neglected my duties. I swore that day, that I would never again allow myself to care for someone so much that it could debilitate me. I had a kingdom to look after. When I lost Freya, it broke me. Yes, I was in a coma. I had lost the moon. Suffered the most. But I also had no will to wake up. I had no fight left in me."

Cassie bit her lip.

"Until you," he finished. "You gave me a reason to fight again. You gave me life. But you're also a warrior, Cassie. I could lose you at any time. And I was scared, so scared, that I would fall to my knees when I lost you. Losing Freya would pale in comparison to losing you. Especially since you insist on making ridiculously dumb decisions." His jaw tightened. 

He let out a sigh. 

"I let my fear consume me. It was foolish. It was cowardly. You have my deepest apologies."

Cassie opened and closed her mouth, unsure of what to say. 

But he wasn't finished, "You don't have to say anything. I just - I just wanted to let you know, that whatever time we have together, I will fight for you. And I will fight alongside you. From the bottom of my heart, I promise you, that I will no longer let my fear consume me. I've changed, Cassie. I've understood what the moon was trying to teach me. And if I'm right about that -" he turned the hand he was holding, inspecting the back.

Cassie let out a gasp.

Golden threads wove across her arm, intertwining in beautiful patterns and cementing Drystan's acceptance. The electricity tingled up her body and she trembled. The world suddenly shone brighter, lighter, better. 

Drystan smiled, pulling her hand closer to examine his mark. "You are my everything," he whispered, warm breath on Cassie's hand. 

Cassie took in a deep, shuddering breath. 

Her mind ran a million miles a minute.

But her hand turned, leaving his, and ghosting across his cheekbones, cupping his jaw. 

His eyes fluttered close, long eyelashes resting on freckled skin.

Cassie's head slanted as she moved closer.

He closed the distance, leaving a wisp of space, waiting for her to make the move. 

Cassie pushed in, and their lips met.

Immediately, his arms pulled her closer as his fingers threaded through her hair. His face slanted for better access.

Cassie let out a moan, draping her leg over his lap and straddling him.

Electricity burst across her body as gold-tinged her vision. Gold flakes dusted the air. The moonlight shone.

The breeze danced happily as it moved through her hair. 

The waves grew bigger.

The earth began to shake. 

Cassie tore her mouth from his and the elements quietened. 

He gave her a wry, sheepish grin, his grey eyes looking into her green. 

She only smiled back, pushing him onto his back. She snuggled into his side, draping a leg over his form. He pulled her closer as they gazed at the almost full moon. 

Drystan whispered, "If we make it out alive, I swear Cassie, we'll figure out how to make my royal duties fit while living this pack."

Cassie grinned fully into his side even though he could not see her. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. "If we make it out alive, Drystan, I'll follow you to the palace."

"You would?"

She nodded, "Though I'm going to frequent vacations because that palace is lonely."

He laughed, twisting, pushing her onto her back, his body covering her own. 

His gaze was heated as it roamed her face. 

Her gaze was gentle. 

She blushed. 

He smirked.

She pushed herself up and took his mouth.

The moon lit up the sky as electricity snaked across Cassie's body.

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