Chapter V: Acceptance

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The hospital buzzed with activity as Adira rushed in almost tripping in her hurry. Quickly scanning the room, she made a beeline for Dr. Mathews.

Dr. Mathews paused mid-sentence as he saw her approach, nodding towards room number 208.

Inside, Cassie lay silently, but Adira was grateful for the rhythmic movement of her chest. She was alive.

Dressed in a hospital gown, she almost looked peacefully asleep. Sunlight warmed her face from the window on the right side of the room. Scars marked the right side of her face, from her cheekbone to her jaw.

It appeared to Adira as if wolves had tried to claw her face off. The wounds glinted in the light, angry and raw. Adira wondered silently why they weren't already healed by Cassie's paranormal genes. Cassie's right leg was hung in a cast at the edge of the bed. The many machines in the room beeped in the background of the bleary hospital. At a distance, Adira heard birds chirping.

"She fainted from blood loss. Injuries were extensive, needed multiple stitches. Her leg was broken, but it appears to be healing well. Her intestines were almost hanging out of her body after the fight, but Mikel brought her back in one piece. Thank the moon,"  Dr. Mathews ratted off mechanically coming behind Adira. His sudden entrance startled Adira.

For a long moment, they simply stared at their friend mourning the attack.

Adira broke the silence, "Shouldn't she have already healed? Don't werewolves heal faster than humans?"

"Yes, we are blessed," Dr. Mathews replied, "but the attacking wolves were somehow able to infect Cassie's bloodstream with wolfsbane. It is a herb-like substance that is extremely dangerous to werewolves and can even be fatal. In contrast, it is extremely healing for humans. It affects our werewolf side, so Cassie won't be able to shift or use much of her wolf abilities until she recovers from its effects. Direct contact of the substance with any of our external organs results in immediate burns and even disintegration. Somehow, the only substance which protects our external organs from wolfsbane is thick plastic or metal. That's how we'll dispose of the wolfsbane in Cassie's system."

Adira didn't know what to say in reply to all that information so she simply stared at Cassie.  

"Cassie is a dear friend. To see her like this... is unimaginable. She is the strongest fighter we have," Dr. Mathews's voice broke and he took a shuddering breath.

Adira understood his pain. Cassie was easy to love. "When will she wake up?"

"She should be awake in the next couple of hours, as her body loses the herb. She may be out for a while. We aren't completely sure." The beeping of his pager interrupted their conversation and he left to tend to his other patients.

Unsure of what to do, Adira sat by Cassie's bed holding her hand. She was grateful that Cassie was alive but her guilt was debilitating.

If Adira had approached Adrian sooner, instead of worrying about his reaction, Cassie would not have been so severely wounded. Adrian had worded it nicely, but she had heard from Micheal, surprisingly in a kind manner, that Cassie had been barely alive. She wondered how much damage Cassie withstood which Adira could have stopped.

A tear dropped on the hand Adira was holding. It took her a second to recognize it was hers.

For a long moment, she stared at the droplet.

And then, the dam broke and Adira sobbed uncontrollably. She sobbed for the last few days. She cried because she had no choice but to accept the werewolf world, a choice she would give anything to have. Even when she left it all behind this world would follow her to her grave. And she would never be an equal in this world, she could only be a weak human.  She cried because a small hopeful part of her had believed that Adrian was her soulmate but he treated her like an inconvenience. And finally, she cried because she had failed the only person who had been kind to her in this world, all because Adira wasn't enough to save her.

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