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Cassie lost all of her breath as she panicked. She could not kill. She would not kill. That was too much, it was time to call it quits. She moved silently, her steps too soft even for wolf ears. She crouched next to the terrified children, who scrambled back as much as their restrains allowed.

Cassie's heart broke. She whispered, "Hello, I'm Cassie. I'm going to get you out of this, okay? I'm going to untie you, but you have to keep quiet." She took a deep breath assessing the children, "do you understand me?"

Tears fell unabated from the younger boy's eyes causing Cassie's heart to crumble. But, the older boy looked at Cassie for a long moment before nodding slightly. He clutched his younger brother's hand protectively. 

Cassie's green eyes unfocused, as her claws cut easily through the rope. Both boys trembled when her hand came near them.

Ade? I need help. Can you tell Amricus to come and get me immediately?

She received no reply.


Adrian did not reply.

She tried Eden, a little hysterical. Call the Lycans, need to be teleported ASAP.

To her frustration, she was still met with dead silence. She began to gnaw on her lower lip in worry.

Sebastian? NEED HELP.

As she expected, no answer. Fuck. What was she going to do? She didn't even know where she was. She waited a few more seconds, praying to the moon.

It seemed like the moon goddess heard her plea, because her link spurred into action, as Adrian linked back. Are you hurt? Do you need medical attention? Should we send anything with Americus? Are you safe?

Cassie responded in the negative. Also, I have two children as extra passengers. And we're in a huge, huge hurry.

Cassie felt tenseness from the other side of the link and she tensed in response. 

Fuck, Cass, there is a problem. Amricus just tried but he cannot teleport there. You need to get out of the boundaries of the property. Drystan said to look for any kind of marker, a line or a fence, and cross it. Once you're outside of the limits of their property, Amricus will get you in half a second.

Cassie inhaled a deep breath. Questions sprang to her curious mind but she ignored them. She had to survive, then she could ask about this property thing. Another worry began to dawn. How was she going to fight with two children to protect? But, she had no other choice. She would have to wing it.

She could do this. Fuck. She was insane. Fuck. She was strong. Fuck. And dumb. Forcing herself to stop hyperventilating, she linked back, Tell him to be ready. I'll mindlink you soon with only a few seconds time window.

Adrian sent a bout of affection and strength down the link. And Cassie? Adira told me she would cut you into a thousand pieces if there was even a single scratch on you. Come home to us. We're all waiting. Be safe.

Cassie nodded to the empty room, allowed herself to revel in the love of her family. Thankfully, the children had heeded her advice and didn't make a sound. As she looked around, Cassie began to formulate a plan. The fence situated right before the edge of the cliff was her best bet. It was closest and if they jumped into the water there was less chance that guns and arrows could hurt them. If she could find a way to cross it, Cassie was sure Amricus could pick them up while they swam somewhere.

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