Chapter XIX

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The light breeze ruffled Adira's hair in the dead of the night. The woods smelled like pine. It was a cloudy night, with rare glimpses of the moon. Adira's gut twisted. She wondered if her friends were okay. She reached out, touching the soft leaves of smaller trees, watching them bounce back into place as she walked past them.

Mikel walked soundlessly beside her, tracking the lost wolf through her scent. It had been ten minutes since they had left the safety vault and Adira wondered how the young wolf had gotten so deep into the forest. Even though they were walking towards the north, Adira hoped that the child had not found herself in the middle of the war.

After walking further, into what seemed like an endless maze of green, Adira turned to Mikel. "I'm not trying to be a prick or anything, but are you sure she went this way?" Mikel only nodded curtly. After leaving the vault his behavior had changed rapidly, seemingly annoyed with Adira's very presence. She chalked it up to worry about the war. She hoped that he did not have new information which would explain his tense attitude.

Adira suffered another ten minutes in silence. "Okay, I think we need to head back. I need to be with our people. I hate to say this, but we'll have to send Lira or Kiara after Karen's daughter."

Mikel spoke curtly, "No. We walk."

Annoyed at his tone, Adira raised her eyebrow at him. "We're turning around, Mikel. Take us back. Mindlink Kiara. I know she is our pack member, and I am very sorry, but this is an order. Kiara will bring her back safely. I have a good feeling about her."

Adira turned around in a huff, walking towards the direction they came from, before Mikel grabbed her hand, stopping her. She looked at his hand on her arm pointedly but he did not release her. Confused and even more irritated, she looked up, almost taking a step back in fear as she saw the deadly expression on Mikel's face. Sharp white fangs elongated against the backdrop of his pale skin. His claws lengthened until they dug into Adira's arm, drawing blood. Mikel gave her a hollow smile, showing off his sharp canines. "Dearest Luna, I. Said. We. Walk." He yanked her forward, causing her to stumble. Not bothering to stop, he continued walking pulling Adira, causing her to twist her ankle. 

"Ouch. Fuck. Dude, Mikel. What are you doing? You've been in this pack for years. Think about Cassie, Ade, Seb! Is this what you want to do? Just think!" Adira spoke hysterically, her words stumbling along with her legs at Mikel's fast space.

Mikel laughed maniacally, causing even the birds to stop chirping. It was a scene out of a terrible Disney movie. However, Adira absentmindedly noticed that the crickets continued their orchestra. Mikel dug his claws deeper into Adira's arm until she yelped and then he spoke scornfully. 

"Poor little Luna. Stuck in a battle she knows nothing about. Look at you, you are weak. Pathetic. You are not fit for this honor. I will be awarded richly for bringing you. The Master will make me powerful beyond measure. You will be pleased with your new life, Adira. It will not involve a lot of traveling, just confinement. Now we're very close to my hideout in the woods, so you're going to be a good little human and shut the fuck up. Don't make me kill you, I don't want to lose all that money. It'll make me very very very angry." He smirked.

"As for my friends, after I deliver you to Master, I'll be sure to tell them how you ran away, refusing to listen to me or explain yourself. Poor little Adira, unable to handle the truth of wolf life. Always scared by something real. Why won't they believe me? All you've done is run. Don't worry, I've got a letter to go along with it, just so they'll be fully crushed. It's important to be thorough, you know? Stupid. Little. Luna." He yanked her forward again, ignoring her cry of pain, pulling her in front of him, her back to his chest. He left her arm, using that hand to hold her in a chokehold. Small crescents appeared as he dug his claws in slightly, turning red as they leaked blood. "Walk."

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