Chapter XV

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After five days, Adira took Adrian's breath away. She was sitting on her bed, quietly marking manuscripts in the dead of the night. Even in her pajamas and bed hair, Adira was ethereal. Silver beams of moonlight played on her face accentuating her brown skin. Even being in her presence was comforting, it washed over Adrian like a warm fleece blanket on a cold night. His chest eased and he suddenly found it easier to breathe. For a moment, his wolf stopped his restless pacing in Adrian's chest, simply taken aback by her beauty.  Something deep within his chest settled as his left arm ebbed with forgotten sparks.  Finally, after staring at her like a creep for a few minutes he cleared his throat quietly.  

Adira looked up and took his breath away. For long moments, they simply stared at each other. Adrian shifted his weight from one foot to the other, finally leaning on the door frame. His fingers twisted and pulled the hem of his shirt as he struggled to keep meeting Adira's gaze. Nothing he could say would make up for his actions. The ball was in her court. If she asked him to stay, Adrian silently promised the moon that he would never disrespect her again. But, if she told him to take a hike, he would never return.  

Adira seemed to be fighting an invisible battle herself. Emotions flickered through her eyes too fast for Adrian to make out. She simply evaluated him, as if stripping him to his bare-bones and deciding whether she liked what she saw. Adrian fervently prayed that she did. Without Adira, he couldn't breathe. She had become the focus of his small world. After what felt like years, Adira put down the manuscript that she was still holding and stood up.  She looked unsure and weary, making Adrian hate himself for putting uncertainty in her eyes. All he needed was another chance. It was slow torture to be waiting in silence for her judgment. Adrian's wolf was waiting with bated breath and poorly masked restlessness, weary of hope. But Adrian was determined to give her the time she needed. So, he waited. The curtains fluttered in the wind, making tiny beams of moonlight play around the room. Crickets chirped loudly in the silence. Finally, after Adrian had aged ten years, Adira straightened her shoulders and Adrian knew she had made her choice.

Adrian readied himself for war. He was prepared for hatred and contempt. He was prepared for disgust. At best, he had hoped for a quiet wariness. But as usual, Adira surprised the hell out of him. She smiled. Her eyes crinkled in as the light returned in them. Snorting quietly at his own stupid melodrama, Adrian grinned back in relief. Adira couldn't hold grudges even if it killed her. After all, this is the girl who decided to stay and fight after Micheal's death, despite the fact that he had been nothing but cruel to her. She had taken Amor's hatred in her stride, easily forgiving her when she tendered an apology. Knowing that he hurt her enough that she needed five days of distance, despite her forgiving nature, cut deep. Never again. 

Adrian was shaken out of his musings, quite literally, as Adira jumped on him hugging him tightly. He lifted her higher allowing her to wrap her legs around him and hold herself up. Having her back in his arms freed Adrian of his demons. His brain calmed as the chaos abated. His world shifted to match her heartbeat. Adira was a warm fire on a snowy evening. She was a singular lamp on a dark, cloudy night. Golden hue returned as electricity ran down his body. His left arm found her right one, and they rejoiced like long-lost friends. For a second, the moonlight seemed to glow brighter, bathing the room in pure silver. Adrian sent a billion thanks to the moon.

He would have been content to hold her forever, but he knew he had explanations to give. Rather grumpily, he lowered her to the ground and stepped back. Silence reigned as he wondered how to begin.

"You were right," Adrian spoke loudly in the quiet of the room, startling them both. He half-smiled at her expression. He continued quietly, "I got so used to being in charge that I didn't know how to let go of it despite my promises. I have an explanation, but I don't have any justification for my actions. Nothing excuses them. I can only tell you how sorry I am," He paused. He opened his mouth before shutting it, trying to think of words to say. "I am. Sorry, that is. I am incredibly sorry. Tell me how to make up for it. Without you, it feels like I can't breathe, Adira."

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