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The world first learned about the existence of werewolves in the fall of 1815, purely by accident. An unexpected result of a routine examination led to a scientific breakthrough and the discovery of the paranormal. Within a month, every citizen knew about the supernatural. Stories spread like wildfire. Fear and rumors were rampant. The people were afraid and the wolves were arrogant. 

By the summer of 1820, many humans were demanding a solution: Either destroy the wolves completely or keep them captive. Stories had convoluted their minds, and rumors had made them foolish. They refused to back down. Riots were commonplace. On a mere suspicion of a supernatural identity, houses were burnt and people were brutally tortured and killed. Families were wiped out, generations destroyed.

The normally peaceful wolves were angered. Arrogance clouded their judgment, and pride blinded them. They demanded complete submission as punishment for these crimes. They refused to make peace with a society that could be so brutal to their own species. It was decided: The humans would either submit peacefully or be made to.

By the fall of 1824, both species were on the brink of war. Territories were clearly designated and to go through the opposing domain spelled certain death. Informal wars had already begun. Oppression of minorities was prevalent.

 It seemed that a battle was inevitable...until suddenly it was not. 

In a twist that the common citizens of neither species saw coming, a peace accord was signed. The Alpha Optimus and the leaders of major human nations and empires had taken note of the heavy losses incurred by both sides, and the unwillingness to incur any more. An uneasy truce was established. Territories were opened, walls were broken. Slowly and surely prejudice began to decrease. Extremist movements were sidelined.

Humans learned much about the ways of the wolves. The werewolf world is divided into various packs run and managed by an Alpha who is assisted by a Beta. All Alphas are answerable to the Alpha Optimus who reigns supreme. The Alpha Optimus is responsible for each werewolf and is bound to them in a unique way. It is the Alpha Optimus's job to maintain order in the kingdom through a pack of traveling enforcer wolves who are each bound to him/her and to the protection of the were race. However, most alphas retained considerable discretion to run their packs.

Werewolves have mates who they will be bound to for the rest of their long lives. When a wolf mates, they emit an aura only discernible to wolves, which marks them as taken. The eye color of a mated werewolf will change to that of his/her mate's. The process of mating additionally leaves a unique black tattoo on the body of both mates. It is a staggered process, and it develops as the mates start to trust and love each other.

There has been considerable silence from the wolves in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Government agencies have been unable to track them or understand which territories are of the were race. There is a worldwide belief that the wolves have lost large numbers due to illnesses like the plague and influenza. Unable to sustain their numbers, the race has gone extinct. Such an understanding has been proven by scientific research. Academic scholarship and studies have proven that incorrect historical accounts causing many humans to wonder about the truth. Certain scholars have alluded to mass hallucinations caused by the influx of mercury in human systems on accounts of vaccines, medications, and infected seafood. No longer scared, most humans do not believe in this tale spun by their grandparents. Supernatural forces remain a topic for fiction books. 


I'm so excited to start!! Thanks for reading!

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