Chapter XXXXIV

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Belv sighed, pulling the covers over her naked body. She turned, resting her head on Sana's naked chest, draping her leg over him. He snaked a hand below her head, playing with her hair. She traced the contours of his chest, falling in and out of sleep.

"Is this what you thought it would be like? Immortality?" He asked suddenly, waking Belv up.

Belv sighed, "I don't think I quite understood the concept when I first learnt it."

Sana hummed in agreement, twirling a strand of her pink curly hair. 

After a long pause, Belv continued, "The world moves on and does not wait. It gets exhausting to live decades."

Sana hummed again before he spoke slowly, choosing his words, "It does not help to be alone."

"That's all I can be."

"Same as I."

They fell into companionable silence. Belv had just started to fall asleep again when Sana spoke, "Do you think it could be different? You and me? In some other world, somewhere?"

Belv snorted, "You mean in a world where I did not love a psychopath eternally and you did not pine for a corpse?"

Sana did not answer for a long time. "The world has lost colour without her, Belv. I grow weary of living day after day without her smile. Time stretches on but there is no relief. This is a burden that is becoming more than what I can carry."

Belv sighed threading their fingers together. "Sana.."

"Existing without her is my worst torture. Feeling her wiped clean off the earth is my personal hell. If the goddess would do me one kindness, it would be death."

She didn't refute this. How could she, when she knew the feeling all too well? This feeling lived inside her, it festered and it bubbled.

"We will find things to live for, my Lycan. That will be our reward. We will earn absolution."



Belv smiled as Lyracus entered through the door, his eyes sweeping up and down her figure. They wandered lazily, stopping at her curves. Belv's body shook with need, with want. At her tremble, he smirked. He had always loved the effect he had on her. 

"How are you doing, my little monkey?" He asked, casually stopping near her but not making contact. 

She took a deep breath to calm her wildly beating heart. "Good," she replied coyly. "And you?"

"Better now that I'm here."

Belv shivered again. 

Finally, the need to touch him became impossible to resist and she reached out, laying a hand on his arm, feeling the tight muscle.

"Look at you," he drawled lazily, "such a little whore for me. You are my slut aren't you?"

Belv's brain knew that she ought to be disgusted by those words, but he was looking at her like that, and all she could do was nod.

He smirked again, "Have you done what I asked you to?"

Belv bit her lip. 

His lips twitched downward in disappointment, and he stepped away causing her hand to fall. A frown marred his handsome face.

She could not handle his disappointment, "I've asked the witches about the rituals. They're sacred. It's taking me some time to earn their trust."

His disappointment lessened but did not go away. Her heavy heart sunk.

He stepped closer, running a finger across her cheekbone, and breathed, "What a shame. I came to reward you seems like it will have to wait."

She let out a cry of disappointment. 

He continued, "I will leave now. Freya wants to visit the markets."

Belv deflated at her name. 

Lyracus's eyes lit up with wicked amusement, "Save yourself for me, won't you darling? I will come back in a month. Do not disappoint me again."

Unable to deny his pretty words, Belv nodded looking forlornly as he walked out of the door.
He did not turn around even once.



The garden outside Belv's cottage paled in comparison to the lady who stood alone in it.
Sana stared at her wild curls and beautiful eyes before he spoke, "Are you happy Freya?"

She did not meet his eyes. "Yes."

"Freya," he gave her a gentle rebuke. "Tell me what you need."

She tugged her long-sleeve further over her hands. "I don't need anything but my mate."

Sana flinched. 

Freya's eyes glistened. 

Damning his pride he took her hands in hers and he begged, "We made promises, my love. They are still true. There will be no one else for me. Ever. Please, my love, I know that you feel it too."

She did not answer him and that gave him the answer he needed.

Her eyes ran over his face, gentling.

His eyes roamed her's, searching. 

Her tears spilled over as she tugged her hand away, "I can't, Sana. I want to, but I can't."

She stepped away, drying her tears. 

Sana followed her, determined to keep begging, determined to convince her, somehow. 

He froze when he heard footsteps. Lyracus.

The white-haired Lycan smirked as he wrapped a hand around Freya's waist and roughly pulled her into him. She gasped, falling on him, trying to push him away. 

The display of force triggered something within the dark-skinned Lycan but he ignored it, brushing it under the carpet.

Sana met Lyracus's wicked eyes. 

Lyracus spoke, his eyes gloating, "My love, shall we leave for the markets?"

He did not wait for her reply, pulling her along. 

She turned back, her hand raised in farewell. 

She could not meet his eyes.

Sana watched them until they were out of his sight.

He turned walking into Belv's cottage, seeing her standing by the door. His lonely heart pinged at her pain which mirrored his own. 

He spoke gruffly, "Do you know when Amricus will visit?"

"In some weeks, I suppose," she answered absently.

"If he visits, will you tell him the protection duty is his for this year? I must travel away. I'll drop a message at the palace too."

Belv nodded, her eyes sympathetic. 

Sana nodded back, his face softening. He smiled at her, "Goodbye Belv. It may be some decades before I enter this country again."

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