Chapter 21-the last night

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The man let go of Alex and move back some giving her space.

He spoke "Tomorrow when the queen makes her announcement about you and her."

"I'm her knight...." Alex began to protest but he cut her off.

"WHEN..." he spoke a little louder "she does...things might not go as she plans. Does she really think she can change law so simply?"

"She is our queen and can do as she wishes" Alex spoke back with confidence, but she did not like where this conversation was going. Alex stood, wishing to find the queen, Lily, and Thomas now.

"Please...." The man spoke turning to face Alex as she was walking towards the door. "Please... there will be a civil war if this happens."

Alex spun around, "Is this a threat against the kingdom?"

"No." the man hung his head down "no. Please sit. Let me explain."

Alex glanced at the door thinking of the queen's safety with the other man.

"She's okay." The man spoke sensing what Alex was thinking. "We are on your side. Joshua and I thought it would be better if I talked to you alone. But, I promise Joshua will look out for her."

Alex slowly walked back towards the man.

"Okay" Alex spoke "tell me everything."

"I left the castle on my second day of being here. I'm not use to sitting around all day. Hard work is what my town does and this pamper stuff.... Well, anyway. I went to the tavern in town right outside the castle. I like my mead, see this wine is okay, but.." the man rambled on until Alex cut him off.

"okay, I get it. What about this rumor and civil war?" Alex asked

"O right, while I was there, I was talking to his young man. He was buying my drinks so I decided to lend my ear. So anyway after a few, he went on tell me he saw you and the queen in a...ummm... compromising position. That you kicked him out of the army to keep him quiet and now the queen was going to change the law. I can't remember his name....." the man placed his hand on his chin thinking

"Xzavier..." Alex whispered

" I... I think that was it." The man reached out for another drink on the table. "so he went on to tell me that he and a few other men think the queen has lost it. That she shouldn't be in charge anymore."

"That's treason. Why haven't you told the queen?" Alex said in a frustrated tone.

"Well, you can stop it. You can stop the queen for coming forward and then his claims will be false. Right now, if she does come forward..... Then everyone will know that she broke the law prior to changing it."

"I don't understand." Alex creased her eyebrows together. "why not go to the queen?"

The man let out a sigh. "think about. What do you think she will do with her powers? If she found out about Xzavier. I mean yeah he could be just another drunk in the tavern. And yes, things could work out perfectly between you and her. OR it could cause another way our kingdom is not ready for. If you break it off... call it off... tell her you just want to be a knight or even go back to your old unit. The faith of our people is in your hands."

"I..."Alex began, but she didn't know how to process. Where they rushing things? Are people ready for the law to be changed?

"I know you seen her darkness...." The man spoke "sometimes she can't control it when she becomes too upset. Think about what this would do to her. Think about how she would react to losing her kingdom"

The Kingdom of RiverNight- The Tale of the queen and her knightWhere stories live. Discover now