Chapter 11-The Beast

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The next morning the queen couldn't understand what Lily had said. Did that mean the knight loves... or likes the queen. Who would do that? She wanted to talk to Alex about the events of the past two days. The queen's feelings of the knight had changed so much. But now they both had a job to do... defeat the best. The questions she had would have to wait.

They began their journey bright and early and the mood was lighter than the first half of their journey. They made their way up towards the hills where the beast was said to live. The road became to hard to pass in the carriage, they would have to walk the rest of the way.

"So, was this the whole reason for the journey? You already knew about the beast. Why didn't we bring more men if it is said to be that bad? And why are you here..... No offence. " Alex smirked.

"Well, if you would have paid any attention in the past FEW meetings you would know." The queen played back. "Yes, I knew about the beast. Yes, that is why we had to come on this journey... and like you said, fighting is about strategy. Too many men would get in the way."

The queen walked closer to the knight. "I'm here, because only magic can kill the dragon."

Alex froze. "A dragon? Like a real dragon... flying, swimming, scaly, over grown lizard thing?"

"Yes." The queen replied with a chuckle.

The smell in the air was getting thicker. The men at the meeting were right in describing the smell. The queen, the knight, and the few men walked up to the opening of a large cave.

"Tell me again why we didn't bring more men?" asked Alex looking over to her queen who rolled her eyes in response. "So, Jack... how are we doing this?"


It was extremely hard to see in the cave with just torches to light the way. Suddenly the floor started to shake below them and rocks began to fall. They were heading right into the heart of the cave where the beast slept.

"Ok, so we distract and you ripped it's heart out with magic...."Alex asked again for the hundred time. "Got it..."

"Do you really get it Alex... or do you need to ask again" whispered Jack.

Before she could respond with a smack to the upside of Jack's head, the queen grabbed her arm pulling her back as they rounded the corner, Alex saw it. The dragon laid there sleeping. Jack pointed to one side for his men to go. Alex and the queen went the other way. They were circling the dragon. Alex stayed close to her queen. The queen was hopeful, as long as the dragon slept... she could sneak up on it and rip the heart out with her magic.

A loud bang suddenly shot through the carven and everything after that happened quickly. Alex looked over to see that Xzavier had knocked over a large rock... hopefully that was an accident, the thought crossed Alex's mind briefly as the dragon woke up.

It stretched it's legs and roared it's head. The dragon spotted Alex who was standing just below and took a swipe at her. Alex moved just in time.

"HEY YOU OVER GROWN, BAD SMELLING, LIZARD!" Yelled Jack trying to take its focus off of Alex. The dragon looked over to where the noise was and started to move it's leg in that direction. Thankfully, this dragon moved slowly... maybe it was not fully awake up Alex hoped.

"DO IT NOW" Alex yelled at the queen who then hit the dragon with her magic. A beam of light shot out of her hands directed at the dragon's heart.

IT ROARED with all its force. The dragon stood on two legs knocking into the celling of the cave. Alex looked at the queen who was in the direction of one of the dragon's legs. Then, Alex noticed the hole behind the queen. So, Alex sprinted with everything she had and grabbed the queen's waist. Alex fell backwards into the hole in the wall with the queen landing on top. Then, there was silence.

The queen laying on top knight stared. Despite everything, here they were.

"So, um... you like being on top?" Alex asked before she could stop herself. Always speaking before thinking.

The queen smirked. 'Of course dear, that's what being a queen is all about."

Alex's mouth went dry and all thoughts of the dragon...gone.


Alex licked her lips with the queen still on top of her and let her head fall backwards.

"YES JACK." Alex yelled back, now helping the queen stand. "THE DRAGON?"

"DEAD!" Jack yelled.

Alex walked over to the entryway of where the hole was. It was now sealed up with clasped rocks. Alex placed her hand over the rocks trying to move them. Nothing happened.

"Can you... you know... poof.." Alex made a gesture with her hands.

The queen fixed herself as best as she could and waved her hand. Nothing happened. Alex looked at her with questions.

"Magic has its limitations. I have to rest and then I might be able to move the rocks." The queen said shrugging.



Alex looked at the queen. "I might have my magic back by then, but there are no guarantees." Said the queen. Alex knotted and yelled to jack to go get help. 

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