Chapter 4-The Knight's release

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When Alex arrived, she saw the queen had already changed into her riding clothes.

"I had some free time and thought a lesson was due." Smiled the queen. Alex moved closer to where the queen and the horse were standing. Alex's back was still slightly bleeding and hurt, but she dared not push the queen to much today. Alex knotted at the queen. The queen stepped back from the horse allowing Alex more room to climb up on the horse. Alex reached into the seat to pull herself up when suddenly she let out a yell from the fresh wound pulling apart.

"Sorry..." Alex said. Moving slightly away from the horse. The queen eyed Alex.

"Take off your shirt" the queen stated shortly.

Alex fidgeted with the hems of her shirt. She was very confident... especially when it came to the members of the same sex. But, this was the queen.

"Normally, I would take one out to dinner before taking my clothes off" Alex said before thinking as sometimes her mouth would do. She regretted saying it and waited for the strike from the queen.

The queen eyed Alex. She was unsure if she was joking or maybe in an odd way asking her to dinner. But, who would truly ask her, the queen, to dinner and not want anything in return.

The queen stepped into Alex's space and smirked. "I told you before and I do not like repeating myself. Take. Off. Your. Shirt."

Alex didn't hesitate. She removed her shirt. Standing bear in front of the queen in the stables was not how she planned this day. The queen grabbed her knight's waist and spun her around so that Alex's back was facing her. The queen's hands lingered as electricity ran through Alex's core. The queen slowly raised her hands along Alex's back touching every inch, memorizing every detail. The queen leaned forward pressing her chest into Alex's back. She whispered in Alex's ear "There. All done." The queen pulled back from Alex leaving her feeling slightly colder.

Alex noticed her back was no longer stinging, her wound was healed. Alex turned to face the queen. Her body flushed as she watched the queen's eye roam her torso. Alex took a step towards the queen reaching out to touch her. To thank her the only way Alex knew how. But then, the queen vanished yet again leaving Alex standing there shirtless and confused.


The queen appeared in the chambers alone. Why did she do that? Normally the queen wouldn't have cared about viewing the training. She never visited it before. She defiantly wouldn't have cared about the formalities of it or if someone got hurt. She definitely would never heal someone else.

The queen looked at herself in the mirror wondering if she is becoming weak. Her father always told her what darkness lies within her. He encouraged her to let the darkness control her. When he died, she let the darkness consume her. How else was the war going to be won? The queen scolded at herself in the mirror. She needed to distance herself from Alexandria.

She is a mere pet, something to be played with when I am bored. Thought the queen.


Alex climbed the stairs letting her mind wonder about what happened in the stables. Was it all in her head? Was she about to kiss the queen and was willing to go further? The queen's touch lingered on Alex's waist and back... everywhere that the queen touched. Alex knew she could not let this go further. She had her family back home to think about and she could not be without a job. She definitely did not want to be hung or whatever they do to a knight that tried to bed the queen.

Alex turned the corner and bumped into someone. When she looked up she saw it was Catherine, the queen's handmaid. The perfect distraction thought Alex.

"The queen wanted me to inform you, your services are not required tomorrow." Catherine stating continuing to walk away from Alex. Alex spun around grabbing Catherine's arm.

"Are my services for the queen needed for tonight?" smirked Alex.

"The queen was already asleep when I left out her chambers, so I'm sure you have the night off as well." Replied Catherine. Alex smile grew.

"Join me for drinks then?" Alex walking closer to Catherine. "In an hour" Alex said remembering the workout from today and the blood on her shirt. She needed a bath.

Catherine glanced towards the queens chambers and knotted her head yes.


A few hours and many drinks later, Alex and Catherine sat in the soldier's quarters laughing with a few others in the unit.

"Dance with me" Alex said pulling Catherine towards her. Catherine laughed and allowed herself to be taken by Alex.

"I cannot stay much longer, I still have to attend to the queen in the morning." Catherine leaned into Alex. Alex knew she still needed a relief from today's events. Sex was always Alex's coping skill.

Alex rubbed small circles in Catherine back... "Come back to my room?" Alex asked.

Catherine froze. "I can't" she started to say "with the queen sleeping in the next room, only a door separates you."

"Well..." Alex smirked "The queen is sleeping, you can leave before she wakes. Are you that scared of the queen finding out?

Catherine starred at Alex. The queen warned Catherine that night Alex was knighted. Which is why she has tried to avoid her over the past few weeks. Catherine knotted and allowed herself to be lead back up towards the knight's bedroom.

Alex woke with the sun beaming into her window. Last night was a blur. Alex stretched her arms and felt another body in bed with her....naked. Parts of the night came back to her. Catherine followed Alex back to her bedroom. Alex remembered undressing herself and Catherine. Alex remembered Catherine rubbing her back. Then the thoughts returned. Alex was thinking about the queen. Catherine touch was soft but nothing like when the queen touched her to heal her back. Alex pushed the thoughts out of her mind and jumped.

Catherine was supposed to be out of her room before the sun. Alex hurried shaken Catherine awake. Catherine sprang out of bed and looked down at the naked Alex. 

"What did I do?" asked Catherine bring her hands to her lips and Alex only hoped Catherine was not regretting what happened last night... even if Alex couldn't remember most of it, she still did not want Catherine to regret it. In that moment, they heard a stir next door. Normally Catherine is already in the queen's chambers gathering her things, giving her fresh water... but now she stood here naked in the knight's bedroom. 

Catherine hurriedly grabbed her clothes from last night that reeked of alcohol and dressed as fast as she could. Alex stood in no hurry and grabbed Catherine gently.

"Are you okay?" asked Alex worried about the expressions crossing Catherine's face. "Last night was well..." Catherine leaned in and kissed Alex on the lips.

"No, I'm late. But I do not regret last night if that is what you are thinking" Catherine said as she was reaching for the door handle.

"Wait" Alex went to yell, but it was to late. Catherine grabbed the wrong door handle and opened up the door between her roomand the queen's. There stood the queen looking through Catherine and atAlex who was standing in the middle of her room with nothing but one sock on. The queen'sexpression turned to rage and Alex froze unsure what to do. Catherine closedthe door between the two rooms and hurried to ready the queen for what seemedto be a long day.

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