Chapter 31-memories

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Finally, Alex managed to fight her way to Isabel. Alex knelt in front of her queen, dropping her sword. Xzavier's men stopped fighting... fixated on what was transpiring before them. Alex leaned down and lifted her queen's head towards her lips. The queen smiled at her Alexandria. She would get her wish before her magic faded completely. Their lips brushed together... 

Alex felt a sharp pain in her stomach, a warm feeling overwhelmed her. Alex look down and saw a sword penetrating threw it. She glanced upwards to see who just stabbed her.

Xzavier stood there smirking.

"Sword fighting is all about strategy right?" Xzavier stated. "You thought I was no longer a threat. But, like you said 'sword fighting is like chest'. Well MISS. Alexandria... check....mate."

Xzavier twisted to sword into Alex more causing her to scream out. Xzavier leaned close to Alex and whispered in her ear "I didn't say I yield". Xzavier smirked again and pulled the sword out forcefully.

Alex grabbed at her stomach trying to stop the blood... She stumbled to her knees

"Why..." Alex whispered so softly

Xzavier smirked. "Because. I should have been knighted. My father should have left you to die on the battlefield that day. All he would do is talk about the great Alex. No matter what I did. It always came back to you. Then you get knighted and get the queen....."

"NO!" Xzavier screamed walking closer to Alex and pushed her down.

Alex fell backwards still holding her stomach, trying not to close her eyes just yet.

"You did all this because of that?" Alex managed to say 

"Not only that. You both enraged a lot of people. Just look how many people are here for me." Xzavier stood and opened his arms. "Where are you people? No one loves you. NO ONE CARES! You are no one."

Xzavier laughed. "You even fell for every single trap. Every single moment from past few days that lead us here. And the great Alex didn't even see it coming. The soldiers sleeping, the explosions placed perfectly making you have to come this way, the red smoke to draw you out, weakening the queen's powers....."

Xzavier spat at the queen. "Her majesty with her powers. So weak."

"Of course, a lot of this wouldn't have happened with Ol' George, Henry, and Franklin. They added the hate to the fire. The left to gather the men and no one even noticed. Then we made sure all the other leaders left early. Henry heard you talking about sending Thomas away. But we stopped that."

Xzavier lifted his sword and ran his hand over the blade "Don't worry, they might have changed up my plans a little, but I will find him. I might not even kill him. I'll show him what a weak, small person you are. I'll even train him."

Alex felt heat. Anger. Rage. She pushed herself up and took a step towards Xzavier. But she had lost to much blood, and stumbled again and fell. Alex looked up towards Xzavier who was now laughing. She began to feel cold. Her only wish was to kiss her queen once more...

Isabela who was still watching the scene unfold. But too weak to do anything, she couldn't even lift her head or speak. She watched as Alex slowly let her eyes close and her breathing slowed until it stopped. Isabela watched in horror as the life drained out of her lover. Isabela closed her eyes waiting for her death to come also. They fought hard. She had finally found love.

Love. Isabel thought to herself. I love her. For the first time since meeting Alex, Isabel was able to let go of her fear and admit she loves Alex.

Isabel smiled to herself as images flashed before her eyes. 

The first time she saw Alex when she knighted her and how she thought Alex was gorgeous even wearing the men's army uniform that did not suit her curves very well. 

Another flash, the first time she showed Alex the horses and then Alex held her as they rode back. The feeling of Alex's arms wrapped around her waist as she quicken the speed of the horse. 

Flash, the first time they shared a bed on their travel, even though she couldn't sleep because she wanted to reach out and touch Alex who was struggling to not fall out of the carriage door. 

Flash again, the dinner with Alex's family... little Thomas and his painting for the queen.

 Flash, the dragon and Alex saving her from being stomped on.

Another flash of the first time they kissed, the queen was so scared but for all the wrong reasons. 

Flash, family dinners.., the beach... Alex's smile, Thomas' laugh, Lily's humor, Jack's kindness, Francis' wisdom, Bill's bravery....

Flashes after flashes of the memories went by before ending on the first time they made love....

Then images of the future passed by, she was walking down the aisle in a wedding dress while Alex beamed at her from the front, Thomas and Lilly standing next to her.

 Another future image flashed before her eyes, she was lying in bed holding their daughter after she had just giving birth. 

Another future flash of Alex and her growing old together and having many more wonderful adventures with their little family.

Queen Isabela squeezed her eyes closed tighter. She could hear Xzavier gloating. Her tears tried to break free. She would never be able to tell Alex she loved her or go on those adventures. This is how their story ends. Alex dead. The queen dying. Thomas left alone. In the middle of the woods... would anyone ever know their story? The story of how a knight saved the queen's heart. 

Hearing Xzavier's laugh grow louder, she opened her eyes to see him pushing Alex's body with his boot and watched her lifeless body fall back into its place. 

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