Chapter 32-the kiss that lingered

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for sticking with this story. We are getting down to the final chapters. I'm going to revise the story some so feedback is appreciated. I never wrote a story from start to end before so I'm proud of myself for sticking with it! 


Xzavier's voice rang in Isabela's ears and watching him repeatedly push's Alex's body with his boot... 

A fire was sparked in Isabela's chest. Her heart screamed for Alex. Isabela licked her lips and tasted where Alex brushed their lips together moments ago. Suddenly, Isabel's entire body felt like it was on fire. It was pulsating.

"STOP!" Isabel screamed now trying to stand.

Xzavier pushed Alex with his boot again and dropped his sword. "She's dead you know." He laughed. "Because of her arrogance and you.... She's dead."

Isabel felt the fire moving though-out her body, it was getting stronger.

"I should have been your knight.... Not this...." Xzavier kicked Alex. "..This girl... so weak and so...nothing."

Isabela step forward with a slight stumble.

"I should have killed you that day on the training field. I knew what you really are..." Isabela raged as she thought about that memory. Alex should have let her kill him. She would be here still. But then if Isabela did kill Xzavier that day, would she have allowed Alex to become close to her. That was the first moment when Isabela saw Alex in a different light. She saw how soft and kind Alex is...was. That Alex wasn't a "play thing". Alex saw past the darkness.

"Takes darkness to know Darkness" Xzavier said in a mocking tone and laughed. "She's dead. Jack's dead. Thomas... well I sent men to collect him from the cave.."

"NO!" Isabel screaming letting the fire burst through her body and radiate out in a shock wave. The only other time this happened was when she ended the war. But this felt different. This wasn't her darkness.

Isabela stood taller and looked around at the faces of the men. Some she knew and trusted in her army. Others she did not recognize. Their faces a blank gaze, no one spoke. But then,  Xzavier's men one by one started to fall. 

Isabela locked eyes with Xzavier. He looked in horror around and brought his hand to his mouth where he felt the warm blood running out. He stumbled forward and fell dead.

Isabela ran to Alex's side and picked her up in her arms. Her lifeless body still felt so strong. Isabela brushed the blonde's hair out of her face. She was truly beautiful inside and out. Tears flowed freely from Isabela and dropped on her knight. If only she could have been strong. Strong like Alex. She could have used this magic before....

Maybe she should have never let Alex in... maybe should have kept her distance. But as she looked at her beloved knight, she wouldn't have traded their time for anything.

"I love you my sweet knight." Whispered Isabela as she leaned forward to kiss her knight one last time.

Isabela closed her eyes and kissed the lips of the person who saved her soul and her kingdom. Isabela lingered her lips above Alex's before opening her eyes and pulling back.

Isabela was feeling stronger and stronger by the minute and she did not want to leave her knight alone. She decided she would transport both back to the castle, and hoped it was still standing. She would find Thomas and love him forever. She would end this battle.

But first, Isabela stood to find Alex's sword. A knight needs her sword, even in death. Isabela wiped her tears and looked around for the sword. Spotting it where Alex dropped it not that long ago. Isabela walk towards it.

"I love you too." Someone whispered. Isabela froze. It sounded like Alex... but it couldn't be. But... then...

Isabela spun around to see Alex laying on the ground still. The Knight's eyes slowly opened to see her Queen.

"I said... I love you too" Said Alex in a little stronger voice and now doing her famous smirk.

Isabela dropped to Alex's side picking up Alex careful in her arms.

"I thought...."Isabela said through her tears. "I thought I lost you."

Alex pushed herself closer to Isabela. She thought she lost her too.

Isabela looked at spot where Xzavier's sword pierced, it was healed. Isabela grabbed Alex's face and beamed. Even Alex's small cuts were healed. Then the queen noticed her headache was gone, her wounds healed.

"ALEX!!"... a voice called for a near distance. "ALEX! QUEEN ISABELA! THOMAS!" 

Lily appeared in the clearing as Alex and Isabela was pushing themselves off the ground. 

"LILY!" Alex ran to hug her sister. "You're okay!"

Lily looked between Alex and the queen and laughed "yeah.. did either of you fight because there is not a single mark on you"

The pair laughed and Isabela walked forward to heal Lily's wounds. 

More of Alex's soldiers started to appear in the clearing and take in what they saw.

"Thomas..."Alex asked "Did you find him?"

"No, I thought he was with you" Lily said

"we searched the outside of the woods" said Chandler "We haven't seen them since the carriage"

"When they didn't show at the town, I was so worried" Lily began "I raced back here"

"He's in the cave with Bill..."Alex trailed off

"Xzavier knew!" Isabela almost yelled remembering "He said he sent men, we have to get there now!"

Alex had panic in her eyes.

"Trust me" Isabela said in a rushed voice "I love you"

Alex was slightly confused by this reaction. But, Isabela kissed Alex once more and felt the fire again. She waved her arm. All the soldiers were gone. She grabbed Lily and Alex's hands and they disappeared behind a cloud of smoke. 

Within moments they are at the cave. 

"What was that, I thought you couldn't..."Alex began but stopped as her thoughts raced to find Thomas

"I'll explain later" Isabela smirked

"Thomas" yelled the group. 


"THOMAS!" Alex screamed 

"Here" a small voice rang out just past the cave

Alex, Lily, and Isabela ran towards the sound. 

"Thomas!" Alex said as she took in the sight before her. A sight she hoped her son would never have to see. 

Five grown men laid on the ground lifeless. Thomas crying over Bill's body. 

"He... tired..."Thomas sniffled "The men.... they attacked."

Alex hurriedly picked her son up and wrapped him in a hug. Tears streaked down everyone's face. 

"He saved me." Thomas leaned back in his mother's arm. "He saved me"  

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