Chapter 9-The Knight's confession

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On the walk back, it was quiet. The queen had many questions, but she just wanted that feeling of home to last a little longer. Once back at the room, the queen changed by using her magic and Alex turned her back towards the queen to switch out of her clothes.

Alex started to make her bed on the floor when she heard the queen speak. "You... you can lay here" The queen said in almost a whisper. "But, keep to your side."

Alex looked up to the queen who was now laying on one side of the bed. Alex stood and moved the covers climbing into the bed next to the queen. The both laid in silence wondering what the other was thinking.

"Thomas... he..." the queen started not sure exactly where to start.

"Yes." Replied Alex turning on her side to face the queen. "Some things... bad things happened when I was younger. My mom and dad were killed in the war. My dad died fighting and my mom, I think, died from a broken heart a week later." Alex let a single tear run down her face. The queen reached out and wipe it gently, but didn't speak she let Alex continue. "When they died, it was just my sister and I. I was only 15 trying to take care of her."

Alex didn't know why she was telling the queen this or why the queen was listening. No one but for Lily and Jack knew this story.

She continued. "It was hard. We lived on the street. Lost everything. I tired." Alex's voice broke. The queen never saw Alex this vulnerable before. "I tired finding work. But, no one wanted a girl. Let alone a 15 year old who's only skill was to swing a sword. My dad taught me. He always said that girls can do anything and should know how to protect themselves. I just wished he would have taught me how to protect us from what happened."

The queen moved slightly under the covers closer to Alex and rubbed her hand. Alex smiled slightly and continued her story. "I found out there was one other thing I was good at. Making people...mainly men feel good." Alex lowered her gaze from the queen.

The queen squished her face together in a puzzled looked and finally spoke... "You were 15... and they..."

Alex knotted. The queen became livid. How could men or anyone take advantage of a young girl like that? How could that happen in HER kingdom? Alex moved closer to the queen, now sharing the same pillow and still holding hands.

"Lily is a year and a half younger than me so it was my responsibly. When I was 16, I became pregnant with little Thomas. Named after my father. Things got harder. Lily was working as a maid in a home, but I didn't trust the husband there. We would take turns looking after Thomas while we worked. When I turned 18, I moved them to Little Balwin. I just wanted better for both of them. I tried finding a job, but again... no one wanted to hire a young single mom. One day, your army passed by. I started talking with Jack. It was one of the hardest decisions in my life. I join."

The queen taking in all this information. No one has ever shared with her such personal stories. Normally they would complain or ask her for a favor, but Alex was just explaining her story and not asking for anything in return.

"I miss them every day, but with the money I make... Lily can watch over Thomas without worry. And Thomas can have a tutor. He is so smart and loves to read." Alex said beaming about her son. "He understands why I'm not there. He is such a good boy."

Alex closed her eyes. She could feel the queen's breath on her lips. The Queen just stared at her knight. Her brave knight. From the stories shared at dinner, Alex had a loving family. She grew up surround by joy and love but that useless war sent her life spiraling. The queen leaned forward wanting so deeply to kiss the lips of her knight. The queen closed her eyes and then stopped. She would not be like one of those men... those men that took advantage of Alex. The queen laid her head on the pillow and fell asleep to the sound of Alex's breathing evening out.


Both the queen and the knight woke to laying in the same position still holding hands.

"Well, let's get today started then." Alex smirked pretending that last night didn't happen. She was unsure how the queen felt about what she told her.

"Yes." Smiled the queen not wanting to admit that she almost kissed her knight last night.

Both dressed, ate, and headed down to the meeting hall. Once inside, Alex noticed that the men were not the same men as yesterday.

"I'll just cut right to the chase your majesty. There is a beast in the hills, killing our crops and animals. Something needs to be done." Said one of the men.

"Yes, I know. That's why I'm here. I heard this beast also attack a few other towns nearby. Any further information can be given?" the queen stated.

"His eyes glow at night. It smells of rotting flesh and hell's fire. Some say it swims and other say it flies." A different man stated.

The meeting continued. The queen started to form a plan with the men and the rest of her soldiers she brought with them. Alex listened carefully trying not to missing a single detail. 

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