Part 35

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My heart stops.
I look around the dark space, nobody around and my heart starts to quicken. I look around desperately wanting someone, anyone I know to appear but they don't..I have to get home but what if I'm being watched?
Who sent me this message..? How did they know about my window..?
I think of Missy and Haley probably back home already, my heart becoming louder and louder, I need to get back to them, what does this mean? My window was broken on purpose... but by who?
I seem to be completely frozen to the spot, my mind is telling my to move. RUN RUN RUN is all I can hear in my head but my feet won't oblige. I'm stuck, staring into blankness.

I hear the beep of a car from a few yards away and it jolts me into action. I run like there's no tomorrow, past all the houses, dodging empty beer bottles and ducking away from passing cars. Who could have done this to me? Why are they sending me anonymous messages?! I desperately rack my brain, thinking of people who may have a problem with me, who I've been rude to but nobody comes to mind! Unless you count Alya Nawaz who seems to be a tad too sophisticated to be throwing rocks through somebody's window and besides I'm not sure Allah would be too happy with that either.
I get to my street in less than three minutes and am completely out of breath but I can feel my adrenaline pumping and I don't stop.
Finally I reach the outside of our gateway, "ow!" I hiss as I scratch my leg on a stray piece of wire that's come away from the gate. Blood trails down my leg as I race in the front door and slam it behind me.
"What took you so lo-"
"WE HAVE TO GET OUT!" I shout at my two cousins. They look at me as if I've gone completely deranged in the space of an hour.
"What?!" They both splutter, eyes bulging.
"DONT JUST STAND THERE!" I yell again, grabbing them both but then I stop myself.
A horrible thought dawns on me...where are we going to go? We can't just leave the house..that might put us in more danger.
"Ali what the hell is going on!!?" Missy says shaking my shoulders. She doesn't need to shake them, they're already shaking. Suddenly I wonder if I'm over reacting, this might be just someone trying to scare me...Anyone could have been out in the alley this morning and seen us staring at the window.
"Here" I say pulling out my phone and handing it to Missy and Haley while I continue to rack my brain.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Haley exclaims,
Missy just puts her hand over her mouth, "who is this!!" She says moving around in panic.
"I don't know...I have no idea!" We all turn our attention to the stairs, staring out at it.
"Is it boarded up?" I wonder,
"Yeah...I put loads of cardboard over it so we wouldn't get cold but someone could still..." Missy trails off, we know what she wants to say but none of us want to think about that. Could someone want to to break in?
"No, I think whoever did this wanted to scare me.." I say. "I don't think they actually want to hurt me.."
"But how can we know that?" Haley says pulling her hair out.
"Should we go to the police?" Missy asks seriously, biting her nails.
I don't answer her..I don't know. I wish I had some idea of who this could be, but I don't. I have no idea...
"Let's not panic" Missy says trying to reassure us. She goes over and sits on the couch.
"Betcha it's tha Lara Ali"
I had already thought about this and decided it wasn't possible. Lara would have no reason to do this to me..she was always annoying and fake and jealous and bitchy...but I don't think she was this psychotic..
"I don't think so..." I say.
"I bloody hope it is her and not some weird old man"
"MISSY!" I groan loudly, dropping down to the ground. "Don't say that please!" My heart beats even faster again the thought of this being some creepy old person sending me messages makes my stomach turn.
"Sorry..sorry" she whispers.
"Where's Jordan?" Haley wonders, "I don't know he said he had to go or something"
"Well tell him to get his dad around here quick tomorrow" Haley says standing up and pacing the room.
"Okay..ok how about this, we wait it out here and first thing in the morning we race to the school and tell Miss Carter" I propose. Missy and Haley sum this up, "we can't just stay down here in our uniforms all night!" Haley argues.
"HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING BETTER?" I shout at her frustrated.
"Shut up the pair of ya! I know exactly what we're going to do" Missy says sitting up straight.
"You do?" Somehow I'm not convinced.
"Yes...we're going to next door to Nas and stay the night there, explaining everything to Mrs Paracha, you're going to text Jordan and let him know what's happening and ask him to get his dad to fix the window in the morning and then we're going to go into school tomorrow and go straight to Miss Carter" she says finishing with a sigh.
"Okay..." Missy's plan is not bad and I think as far as tonight goes we can't really do anything unless we run to the police station or something.

"Does this look like a halfway house eh?!" Mrs Paracha yells as we walk in the door. I don't think she's being serious but nevertheless i feel bad for barging in on her like this.
"We've emergency I suppose" I start to explain everything and then eventually show everyone the text. They've all gathered around the counter now.
"OH MY GOD!" Razia cries. Mrs Paracha outer her hands up to her head, "who on earth is this texting?!" She says crying out in confusion,
"We're going to go to Miss Carter in the morning"
"Bet you it's Lara!" Nas says pointing her finger pointedly at my phone.
"THATS WHAT I SAID!" Haley agrees loudly.
"No...I don't think so"
"Who's this Lara?!" Mrs Paracha is looking at us like we've came to her with some top classes gang information. "She just moved to our school from my old one back in Manchester" i explain.
"You're friend?" She wonders,
"Well she either is or she isn't!" I sigh deeply. I don't know what to think anymore. Are they all right? Is this really Lara? Surely not...why would she even want to do this anyway, I haven't done anything to her!
I want nothing more than to tell Jordan all about this, I want him to be here he's the only person who can make me feel truly safe but he fucked off without even giving me a reason.
What on earth am I going to do...?

Hey! This is admittedly a filler chapter but I plan on putting out two chapters tomorrow so I hope you look forward to that! Thanks for all the support means a lot xxx

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