Part 26

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I sip some water on the counter waiting for Jordan. I check my watch ten to 7..he should be on the way. Truth be told I'm a little bit nervous, I mean it's not like I don't know Jordan in fact I know him probably better than most people and we've shared some very..intimate moments but this is a totally new experience, going into Bradford, all dressed up to a restaurant where people call you miss and hold your chair. I have butterflies in my stomach and I decide to run to the bathroom to check how I look one last time. Haley has managed to spill mouthwash all over the counter "stupid cow" I mutter as I clean it with the toilet paper. I've straightened my hair so that there isn't a bump out of place, I'm wearing my dark green silk bodycon dress, I got it at River Island last time I was there, I have my denim jacket over considering it's nearly the end of October now and is freezing outside. I put a tiny bit more concealer under my eyes, I've gone for a glam look even putting on some fake lashes, I almost don't recognise myself in the mirror. I don't look...plain, I look...pretty. Not pretty..glamorous. I even feel more confident like people should stop and look at me. I hope Jordan doesn't think I've gone completely overboard with everything, I look down at my tanned legs and realise he might think I've gone bonkers. I go back out to sip my water and put my black purse around my shoulder.
"Oh my god!" I turn around to Haley in her fluffy primark Pajamas. "Do I look okay??"
"You look STUNNING"
"No Haley you have to be serious he's about to get here what do I need to change?"
"ALI!" She grabs me by the shoulders and bulges her eyes "take a compliment!"
"Hahahah..thanks Hails" I say breathing out my sigh. "It's not too much?"
"No, you're going out out, into Bradford look like you could be on Love Island"
"Oh shut up..let's not get carried away, how's Missy?"
"She's okay now.."  Missy had been in a mood since I got home from school but I've been so busy getting ready I didn't really have the time or energy to deal with her. I don't know how to deal with Missy ever since she told me, it's like we've become disconnected in a matter of days. I know I should be trying to make more of an effort but I suppose..I'm hurt. I'm hurt and I'm shocked at what's happening with her that I can't seem to be able to confront it with her or even in my own mind. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the familiar knock of Jordan at the door, I don't know why he even bothers to knock anymore, it's practically his second home.
I breath out and look at Haley for reassurance..
"Go on!" She says cocking her head towards the door. I squeak silently and then put my confidence face on and strut towards the door "Don't walk like look stupid" Haley informs me. I immediately stop and try to walk as normally as possible in these ridiculous black heeled shoes. I push down the door handle my hand slightly shaking.
Jordan stands shivering in the cold night air. His eyes go big when he sees me and he fumbles for a second "Alrigh"
"Hi..." I say a little more high pitched than I would have liked. We just stand for a second both taking each other in. Jordan has made an effort..he looks sexy. He's wearing black skinny jeans with rips and a grey Tommy Hilfiger sweater. He's even taken his eye piercing out! Making himself look..more approachable.
"Jesus you two you swear you didn't speak to each other non stop everyday!" Haley shouts from the sofa, a mouth full of biscuits. I don't even look back I just roll my eyes at Jordan and step out the door. "See you later!"
"Have fun!"

Out in the night time air, the only thing lightening up Jordan's face are the streetlights. I catch him looking me up and down more than once as we make our way to the tram, it's a long walk but considering none of us can afford a taxi we have to suck it up. The silence starts to get unbearable as I rack my head for something to say.
"You-" we both start off and then smile at each other. "Jesus how cliche are we?"
Jordan laughs "I was just going to say you looked nice"
"Nice?..that's something you'd say about your mums cooking Jordan"
"I don't have a mum"
"Oh fuck off you're not going to guilt trip me" I say hitting him in the stomach.
" look gorgeous, fabulous, sexy, never been done before"
"That's more like it!" I say posing against the wall.
"And what about me?" Jordan says raising his hands to his head dramatically while pouting.
"Oh possibly the most handswome boy I've ever sween!" I say grabbing his checks. We both giggle to ourselves and fall into a more comfortable silence. My phone buzzes in my handbag and I reach in to get it, it's Missy.
"Sorry for being such a stroppy cow, enjoy tonight with Jor" I smile feeling relived. I quickly tap back "don't worry about it we'll talk later xx" i don't know what we're going to talk about but we can't go on like this much longer. Everything seems to be fitting into place again..Without looking at him I nervously lace my fingers into Jordan's and continue to walk. He doesn't resist and doesn't say anything either just gives me a little squeeze, making my heart explode.
We make it to the trams and get on the first one to Bradford. My heart raced from the excitement, here I was going OUT with my boyfriend into town, all dressed up, I feel like such a grown up and my heart is swelling with happiness that I almost feel dizzy.
An old woman is standing close by and she's looking at the two of us fondly. When I catch her eye, she smiles kindly and gives me a little wink. Something in her face makes me realise she's reminiscing and it fills me with a sense of happiness but also a lingering awareness that nothing lasts forever, I'm sure when this woman was 16 and going out with boys, she didn't imagine herself being old..Ill be that little woman someday on my way home and taking in all the young couples.
Jordan picks up my hand again and leads me off the tram.
"So where to now then?"
"Well-" I look around "do you know?, I actually have no idea"
"You're joking" he scoffs.
"I'm not from here Jordan you're the tour guide remember?!" I say bringing him back to when we first met.
He smiles cheekily "I suppose that's what you get Manchester..we're going to have to go back home"
"Oh! Would to not like to be here with me then!"
"Nah I'd much rather by at home Yano with Corey and Dad"
"hahahahahahha sure" I pull out my phone and get google maps. "Come on its this way!" I say pulling him with me. I find the restaurant and it seems to be crammed. "Did you book it?"
"Of course" I push open the door and the smiley lady greets us.
"Hello, do you have a table!"
"Hiya yes the name is Layla" Jordan looks at me in confusion and I stifle a smile as the woman leads us to the table. "Here are your menus, they'll be someone to take your order when you're ready, enjoy you two!" I smile at her gratefully and Jordan thanks her.
"Layla" he says in a drawl. "What?"
"Oh I just didn't know I had been calling you the wrong name all this time"
"Jordan..we're not in Ackley Bridge here, nobody knows us you can be anyone you want" I giggle.
He sticks out his hand "the names Colin nice to meet you" I burst out laughing and he looks at me offended. "What!"
"What's wrong with Colin?"
"Nothing I just expected something a bit more creative Jordan"
"Who's Jordan? It's Colin"
I'm reduced to tears laughing at Colin all night. He doesn't half kick up a fuss at the menu but eventually decides on a "fake" burger as he calls it and I get the Greek Stew. I don't think I've ever had this much fun and when we're both finished our vegan brownies, I'm almost disappointed.
"You know..I wish we didn't have to go back" I say relaxing into my chair. "I know.."
"Do you think you'll stay in Ackley forever?"
"Probably" he mutters.
"Would you like that?"
"No..why would I like that, staying in that dump"
"So why would you then?"
"HA and where would I whisk off to, it's not like I'll be passing any exams any time soon"
"You could..if you tried" he doesn't answer me.
"I don't think you will you know"
"Don't think I will what?"
"Stay in Ackley"
"Oh yeah? And where will I be"
I consider this for a moment. "Hmmm, New York, London, Paris? You could become a famous artist and people will pay millions for your work"
I'm not sure if Jordan's talking me seriously now, I'm not sure if I'm being serious but he seems to perk up "and I can paint you like a French girl yeah?"
"Oi! Cheeky" I say laughing.
"And what about you then?"
"What about me?"
"Where will you be?" He asks.
"You tell me"
"I reckon yeah.." he puts his hands up beside each other "picture this..I'm sitting at home one day infront of the telly next thing I hear a voice..and I think oh this is familiar and boom! I look up and I see a girl, she looks a bit like you and then I think wait- is that Alison? Is that the girl who dragged me to a vegan restaurant and once walked head first into a car? I cackle at this and he continues on "and it is you! There you are on some Hollywood film with what's his face- you know the one you love?"
"Timothee chalamet!" I say jumping up.
"Yeah him..and I think hmmm she must be pretty loaded by now I wonder would she lend me a million" I'm belly laughing now and I grab Jordan's hands and being them up to my face. "You know what? I say looking deep into his eyes.
"You've got nothing on Timothee Chalamet".
We try to drag out sitting there laughing for as long as possible when eventually we realise the waiters were getting annoyed. When I go to leave the bill, Jordan puts his hand out to stop me. "I'll pay"
"No Jordan honestly it's fine"
"Nah- I've got it" he says putting the 50 pound note under the little book. My eyes widen.
"Where did you get that?" I ask in disbelief. He just gives me a cheeky grin and taps his nose fondly. Before I have anymore time to think we race out of there, I make a conscious effort to hold my stomach in from such a big meal in my obnoxiously tight dress but Jordan doesn't seem to notice the slight bulge as he pulls me close to him. I can smell his cologne and give him a slight hug from the side. Neither of us are paying attention to the time, I don't care, I could stay out here all night with Jordan and not think about anything else in the entire world. It's now that I realise there's nobody else on earth that can make me feel the way he does. There's nobody that can make me laugh like he does, there's nobody that can make me mad like he does, that makes me feel welcome, makes me feel loved, that makes everything in my body tingle by just looking at me.
He pulls me into an empty park, "where are we going?"
"I fancy a walk" he relies simply, still holding me close, I feel as if nobody could harm me while he's around. I don't try and argue even though I know in the back of my mind there's a possibility we will miss our tram.
"Tonight was so much fun" I say whole heartedly.  I expect a smart answer back but Jordan seems to be just as relaxed as I am "the best" he replies.
We soon stop and he rests against a lampost, so that I'm left squashing him up against it. There's nobody around and as he pulls his hands tightly around my waist and kisses me gently on the lips, I press my tongue against his lips begging for more. He obliges and my tongue dances around his mouth, we stay embraced together like this for what seems like eternity. We slowly break apart neither of us wanting to and I leave sweet kisses all down his neck before coming up for air.
"I love you Colin"
"I love you Layla"

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this I tried to make it longer than usual! Some very cute vibes here from Alison and Jordan I know its a little bit more of a romantic dynamic from their usual ways but I tried to keep a cheeky side to the two of them! Also I know I stole Nas and Miss Shariffs game of changing their names in Bradford here, in case you recognised it from somewhere! Please let me know what you think I absolutely love reading comments from you all and I hope you enjoyed this

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