Part 49- Christmas Day

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"Ali......Ali come on wake up" I hear a voice in the distant whispering to me. "Haley.." I mumble still half asleep. "What time is it?" We went to sleep pretty late last night by the time all the guests turned into a right party and I'm pretty sure Mr Wilson let Jordan drive home last night considering he was kind of out of it!
"It's eight" she answers pulling my arm but I drop it down again sleepily. "One more hour", "nooo come on we have to see if Santa's been". I giggle sleepily. "Fine go get Missy I'll be down in ten minutes". I hear Haley run across the hall and flutter my eyelids.
Christmas Day.
I smile gently. Normally Mum would wake me up and we'd eat croissants in bed together, this year it's all different but it's a good different. I pull myself up and catch sight of the envelope on my locker....I can't believe he did that for me. I wish I knew where the money came from to be honest but i think he's come further than the drug money at this stage in the game. Hopefully Mr Wilson or someone lended him the money.
I don't even bother brushing my teeth or out before running down the stairs. Missy and Haley are already tearing into the presents and I scramble to grab mine from under the tree. Admittedly I am used to having more to open on Christmas but my smile doesn't waver one bit, not even when Haley decided to give me back one of my perfumes she stole from me three months ago. "There's no presents from Mum this year" Haley acknowledges sadly. "Well ya didn't expect any did ya?" Missy asks with a hint of confusion in her voice. I see Haley's face "who needs Mums on Christmas eh?" I say turning on the radio. It seems to diffuse the sadness and everyone gets back to opening their presents.
I text Jordan to say Merry Christmas but it's not likely he's up out of bed yet.
When he does finally reply we're all tucking into our sausages and eggs. I don't even like eggs only hard boiled but I'm so caught up in the Merry making I don't even question putting the weirdly soft one into my mouth. I pick up my phone to answer but Missy and Haley start teasing me. "Don't think we all didn't know what was going on upstairs last night" Haley says pointing her finger, "Yeahhh Ali is that why you're so tired this morning!" Missy says while they burst out laughing. I smirk tiredly...
"As long as it wasn't anywhere near my bed" Haley says grimacing. "You know..Jordan ain't half as bad as he used to be"
"What does that mean?"
"Like before you got here he was a PROPER head-case...I mean he still is but not as severely" Missy explains.
"Oh right...." i know they don't mean any harm but it's weird when they say Jordan used to be quite different than how he is makes me feel like maybe I don't really know him that well at all. "He used to fight people a lot more" Haley says laughing. "Why doesn't that surprise me" I say breaking a smile.
"Is he good in bed?" Missy asks cheekily, "MISSY!" Haley and I both yell laughing hysterically. "Why do you not care at all about Alison and Jordan but if I even say the name Riz you freak out" Haley asks slightly put out. She's got a point. "Because Jordan and Riz are very different people and so are you and Ali" She answers clearing up the plates. Haley opens her mouth widely to reply but I shake my head vigorously in protest. Is this what today is going to be like having to stop fights the whole time.
Anyway I take advantage of the silence and check my messages, lots of happy Christmas' and the like and of course all the fancy outfit posts from the girls in school.
"Hey not great times here..Lara has only gone and dumped Cory...yes you can laugh silently I did".
"Omg Lara and Cory are over!" I immediately announce to the girls. "Really?" Missy says sounding genuinely shocked, "thought those two were actually made for each other"
"Well it has to be some sort of record for the both of them..being together what?"
"Ummm two months?" Haley guesses, it actually isn't even that long for a record but taking into account the two people involved I think congrats is in order.
I text Jordan back..
" could you not giggle?? Besides that must be some sort of record for the two of them right!"
He replies straight away, "defo..still have to look at his mopey face for the rest of the day"
"Awh well maybe just bury your face in the Celebrations..why did they break up?" Knowing the two of them it's probably something stupid, normally I would think it's because Cory does have a cheating tendency but then again so does Lara.
"He won't say..can barely get two words out of him..anyway enjoy your day x"
"You too xx".

I effing love you Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora