Part 19

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It's been three days since I woke up from my accident and I'm ashamed to say I still can't remember it. The doctor is supposed to let me know if I can go home or not today. They were a little bit worried about my living situation for recovery but Missy said that I could stay in her room if needs be. Now that I'm sixteen there's not as much fuss which I'm so grateful for. I haven't seen Jordan since Tuesday. He as good as refused to go back to the foster family, I don't think anything bad happened but I've yet to hear the details which Jordan will most likely exaggerate so he doesn't have to go back.
Missy brought me loads of bits from home, most I didn't need but god it gets boring in here. I have my phone but when everyone is in school there's no one to talk to, I have my tablet which I was watching Netflix on but it's hard to do that all day. I'm not much of a reader but I was reading a book called One Day it's actually really good perhaps I should read more often. Get me being all nerdy! The rest of the time I sleep and eat. Missy brings me chocolate and grapes and Sprite everyday and the last time Jordan came he bought me a box of milk tray which I devoured. There going to have to roll me out of here like a bowling ball.
I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Dr. Baqri enters.
"Good morning Alison how are we feeling this morning"
"No complaints" my ribs are still aching but I don't want to make a fuss otherwise I might not get to go home.
"Well we have all your blood tests back and the tests we took on your brain-"
"Are they all okay?"
"Yes, yes I'm happy to say they all came back clear and you we will be able to discharge you this afternoon"
"Oh thank god!" I say a little happier than I intended but Dr. Baqri just smiles at me.
"Will you be able to arrange transport home yourself or should we make arrangements for you"
"Oh no- I- I can get a lift with my cousins boyfriend- he lives with us" I was scared the doctor would object to this but he doesn't.
"Is this Missy?"
"Yes- yea her boyfriend"
"You're lucky to have her, she came in everyday to check up on you"
"I know, we're all each other has" I blush at my sentiment, it seems a little too gushy for this early in the morning. "Well, we will be monitoring you at home and schedule appointments for checkups, if you have any unusual pains please come straight in and I'll have a nurse come around to explain your medication"
"How long will I have to take medication"
"All going well only about three weeks and if you have any pain we recommend just Paracetamol, any other questions?"
"Will I able to take my leg brace off soon?" they had to wrap my thigh in this hard plastic thing because of the break, they couldn't really do much with my ribs I just can't move around too much but they put a light bandage around me to keep them in place. "That will all be managed at your checkups usually the thigh bone takes about a month to heal but after about two weeks you might find that you can stop walking with the crutches and as for the rib it will take about 3-6 weeks"
"Okay thank you Doctor"
He picks up his clipboard and begins to leave but I have one last question to plague him with "And will I be able to go back to school"
"You will have to speak to your school, I would recommend after about two weeks you could go back and maybe just restrict movements such as try not to move around too much"
"Okay thank you that's all"
"We all wish you a speedy recovery Alison, good luck!" He puts his thumbs in the air and with that rushes away to his other patients.

"Let's get out of here eh?!" Missy exclaims as she pushing me down the corridor to the outside world once again. "Get reads Ackley Bridge! I'm baaaack"
We laugh our way down the corridor all the way out to Aaron's car. "Hey kid" he says as I carefully place myself in the back seat. "Hey Miss me?" I say cheekily. "You scared this one to death" he says nodding at Missy. "I'm sorry, I really am worst part is I have no idea why I would rush into a road"
"Can you still not remember anything?" Missy asks curiously. I shake my head. "I remember getting up, deciding to go to the shops, I seen Zain on his bike...that's it"
"Well, I suppose it don't matter now, that you're okay like" I sit back in and take in Ackley Bridge- my home. I pull out my phone as we pull into our alley and go into mine and Jordan's chat. "Hey I got discharged this evening, fancy coming over?"
He replies a couple minutes later as I walk inside. "Be there in 10?"
"Cant wait 😉".
The house is the same as I left it and I'm greeted with Mrs. Paracha in our kitchen.
"Oh my god you're alright love" she says rushing to me in a hug. She's hurting my ribs but I don't have the heart to tell her. I hug her back taking in her motherly smell. Suddenly she lets go "what the bloody hell were you doing eh? Running into a road like that, you could have been killed!"
"I know I'm sorry" I say, she just frowns at me and leads me over to the couch. "Now I've left food to be heated up in the fridge for you and make sure- her phone starts to ring and she puts her hands in the air in frustration. "I have to take this one minute" she says rushing out the door. We all look at each other in amusement, Mrs. Paracha don't half get herself in a tizzy sometimes. Haley snuggles up to me on the couch.
Knock knock
"It's Jordan" I say moving up "go on get lost"
"Hey!- who said he could come over" Haley starts. "I said it, you can't say no to someone who nearly died Haley!"
She grunts and walks out the door to go do her homework. Missy and Aaron went upstairs a few minutes ago and I don't even want to ask what there doing.
"It's open!" I shout.
Jordan gingerly opens the door a crack and pokes his head in.
"I don't bite"
He smirks, walking in. How are ya feeling?"
"Like I've been hit by a car speeding down the road in my Pajamas, what about you?"
"HAHHA you're hilarious you are"
"Hey! I actually am really funny Jordan"
"I actually am really funny Jordan" he says mocking my voice.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you have to nice to sick people"
"Oh I'm never nice babe"
"Get you mr bad boy"
He plops down on the couch beside me he's practically wearing all black and still has his baseball hat on. I reach my hand up to take it off his head and place it on mine backwards. He laughs at me fixing his hair into place. "So go on then- how are you managing to stay in Ackley?"
"Had a shit load of meetings with social workers past two days"
"Dads agreed to start going to like meetings or something to help him cope and they said I can stay with him but they will be people calling in every weekend to "check up"
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah- yeah I think it is, means I can stay here with you" he says lightly grabbing my cheek jokingly. "I think dad feels bad you know"
"Yeah well he should"
"I know but- I dunno..I think I forgive him"
"Look Jordan I can't tell you what to do- I don't know your dad either so if you say he's sorry- he's sorry but promise me you'll tell me if it ever happens again"
"Promise babe" normally "babe" is a mock word but he leans in for a kiss over the mountains of blankets Mrs. Paracha has draped over me. It's the first time I've kissed him and it's nothing like kissing a photograph. He's grasping my face lightly as our lips dance together. He pushes me slightly back, growing hungry. "Ow" I have to pull away as my rib starts to sting. "Shit are you okay?"
"Sorry yeah I'm fine it's just my ribs"
He slides off of me slightly holding onto my hand. I don't know what comes over me but I pull his ear to my mouth and whisper seductively "you're just going to have to be gentle"
Sure enough it's the reaction I expected as he pulls the blanket over his lap. "Hahahahahahha" i cackle as he goes red and curses at me.
Good to be back, I sigh to myself.

Hey! I honestly love writing these chapters with Alison and Jordan getting on, let me know if you love their relationship as much as I do! Can things stay smooth sailing?

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