Part 12

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The bell! I rush down the halls like there's no tomorrow I can't wait to hear what Jordan has to say. It could be nothing, he could have been winding me up and he'll say some sort of stupid joke but he did seem to want to talk badly.
Now where is he?
I push past the rush of the students, I'm not in popular demand this lunch break which I don't know how to feel about.
I run outside and sure enough Jordan is resting on the railings his legs slung over.
"Hey stranger"
"Oh hi"
"So come on then what's the big news??" I say slinging my legs over the bars with him.
Jordan looks up at me, he looks downcast.
"They're talking about sending me away"
"Social services"
"What do you mean away??"
"Because of my dad like, Mr. Bell had no choice he had to tell someone"
I'm shocked, Jordan had told me Mr. Bell said he was going to sort something, I just assumed he meant counselling or at most a foster family in Ackley. He said his dad hadn't done anything since. I was still fuming and I didn't want Jordan to stay in his house. You can still see the scar on the side of his head, he doesn't try to hide it anymore. "But..but.surely they can find someone in Ackley Bridge to take you in?" "Surely!"
"Nah, nobody wants to take in a teenage boy"
I sit gobsmacked. Is this how my life is meant to be, am I not destined to have people stay.
"But what about school? Your doing your gsces surely they can't move you?" "Do you not have a say in all this?" I'm getting more and more distressed as I go on and my voice gets higher and higher.
"They're talking about moving me to Wolton"
So he's gone, he's going. "So that's it then?"
He looks at me. "This isn't fair Jordan.."
"I know"
"You.. you could move in with us?" I know it's wishful thinking there's no way we could get away with it but I can't let this happen. I can't let him go. Just when I felt I was finally starting to settle in, just when I felt Jordan and I were becoming closer..
He doesn't answer me, he knows as well as I do there's no hope. I can feel the tears prickling in my eyes, if it weren't for normal school life going on around me I might have let myself go.
"Believe me I don't want to go, I don't have a choice" "If it weren't for fucking Cory blabbing it wouldn't have happened"
"It's nobody's fault Jordan.. well it is it's your dads but it's certainly not Corys"
I don't know what to say to console Jordan, he's been told that he has to move miles away from everything he's known his whole life, tore away from his family, his friends. It sounds all too familiar.
"I'm sorry, I should be saying it'll all be ok, you think being me I'd have some words of wisdom"
"It's alrigh, I'll miss you though you know"
My heart lifts at this.
"Oh Jordan..Please don't go" a few tears escape my eyes. He wipes them with his thumb. "I'll come and visit you and we can text"
I sniffle. "Let's not lie about it Jor, we both know you'll go and that'll be it, how can it be the same?"
He doesn't try argue with me, I think we've said about two words to each other through text and I highly doubt Jordan will be jumping on his bike every weekend to cycle 60 miles to Ackley.
"When are they talking of taking you there?"
"Tomorrow afternoon, a couple who do "regular fostering" apparently"
"Yeah" I sigh
"Just so you know, I really do like you...a lot"
"I like you too..a lot"
I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him until he leaves actually scratch that, I want to kiss him and never let go. We're staring at each other now tears brimming. DING DING DING DING.
No, no that can't be it, I need to stay here I can't go back inside to that headache of a room all by myself. He looks at me in panic, clearly thinking the same thing. Mr. Qureshi shouts over to us "Oi you two! Inside!"
"Come over to mine tonight" Jordan blurts out as he walks away.
"What about your dad?"
"He wouldn't dare do anything now"
I watch him walk away. Get used to it I think to myself.
Mr. Qureshi yells at me again and I make my way back in. I pass Cory on my way and he smiles, weakly.
I sit alone. I bury my head on the desk and stay like that.

I've never been a big fan of school, I love going home and taking off my uniform, going over to Nas' and eating and most days walking under the streetlights with Jordan. But this time I don't run out the gates when I hear the bell. I don't laugh with Missy and Nas on the way home. I don't even bother bringing my books home.
I should go home and tell Missy where I'm going and get ready and stress about how I look but I can't wait.
I pull out my phone, and open messages- Missy.
"Jordan is leaving. Tomorrow. Im going over to his house, talk later"
Almost immediately she replies even though she can't even be in the door yet.
"What??, he's leaving why?? Be careful, use protection!!!"
I know Missy is only joking but I'm struck suddenly. Jordan and I.. is that why he asked me over? I get panicked all of a sudden. Is this what I want? I mean yes it is, but now? I start sweating which won't help anything. I suddenly wished I had not been so lazy last night and shaved every nook and cranny. No, I'm getting ahead of myself as usual. I could stay standing on the pavement analysing Missy text and Jordan's mind or I could get over myself and go and find out. And that's what I do.

Hey! I hope you like this chapter, I know it's sad and I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed. I'm also thinking of bringing some more characters into this let me know if you'd like that! Thanks for all the support you have no idea how happy it makes me when I see people reading, favouriting, commenting and adding my story to their reading lists!! You're the best xxxx

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