Chapter Thirty-One

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I smiled as the woman handed me my diploma.

So what if I don't get an actual graduation. I still graduated. I never want to go back to that school anyways.

I was leaving first thing in the morning at 5:00 a.m.

I will have to be on my plane by 7:30.

I walked back to my dads car and sat inside. He started the car and drove me back to my house, which will no longer be my house after today. Stella helped me sell it, we found buyers yesterday.

I had postponed my leaving for my graduation and for the house to sell, it had worked out perfectly. I sign the papers today, everything will be put by tomorrow. I already have everything packed and ready except for a few clothes and necessities.

We pulled into the driveway soon after, Stella meeting me at the car door. As soon as I stepped out she hugged me in a great big bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you and I just want you to know that I will always love you." She said as her eyes watered.

"Stella I don't leave until tomorrow." I told her as she pulled on my heart strings.

"I still wanted you to know." She sniffed.

My dad watched us, sadness growing in his eyes.

"I love you as my mom we will still talk and see each other I promise." I assured her, smoothing her hair down.

She nodded.

"I know. If we didn't I'd hunt you down." She said in a threatening tone.

I laughed.

"I promise." I said again.

She sighed, holding my shoulders and pulling me back to analyze me.

My hair had grown out past my shoulders where I kept it, curtain bangs framing my face.

"You're so beautiful you better send me pictures with every letter."

"Who's going to cut my hair for me?" I asked her.

Her eyes watered back up.

"I'm sorry I'm just saying I'm going to miss you so much." I said as I pulled her back into a hug.

"Come on let's get your bags into my car so we won't have to in the morning." She says, pulling away as she sniffles.

We go inside and grab my suitcases out of the hallway.

"I already have your furniture being mailed to you as we speak." She says.

I smile.

"How thoughtful of you. Thank you." I say.

Zeus trotted my way and sat at my feet. I pet him.

"He will be on your plane with you to leave in the carrier." Stella says.

I nod.

"Good." I said.

"They accepted his vaccines, nothing to worry about with him." She says.

"I made us something." I giggle.

I headed to the kitchen and pulled brownies out of the oven.

"Ta da!" I say, happily.

Stella grins.

"Your father brought something too." She says.

I raise my eyebrows as he pops out holding two bottles of wine.

I laugh.

"I'm underage." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"So what?" Stella says.

I laugh.


I place the brownies on the counter, opening the container.

Stella pulls three wine glasses out of her purse winking at me.

How did she smuggle those past me??

My father pops the wine open and we all pour ourselves some wine.

I sat in the floor with my cup of wine and brownie watching my mom and dad goof around with each other.

"Good thing your mom agreed to having our son over huh? This isn't very PG of us." He says.

She laughs.

"She's an angel." She says.

Stella plops down beside me, my father sitting in front of us.

Zeus runs over to me and steals a lick out of my glass.

We all laughed.

"Damn it Zeus you could have just asked." I said, leaning the glass towards him as I allowed him to drink it.

"Are dogs supposed to drink wine?" Stella asks laughing.

"Probably not." I grimaced as I pulled the cup away from him.

My dad handed me the second bottle.

"Your turn to open it." He grins.

I struggle, but eventually I pop the cork off.

My mom and dad both laugh as they pour themselves some more wine.

I smile, growing sad as I knew I was leaving them here.

They will still be here and I will still see them, I just wonder what it would have been like to have been with them sooner.

I grabbed another cup and poured it full of wine, drinking it slowly.


Word count: 763

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