Chapter Four

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Something lightly brushed against my forehead, bring me out of my sleeping state and into a hazy one.

I scratched my forehead and rolled around, now laying on my stomach on top of the blanket. I huffed as I dug the side of my face deeper into the pillow and moved my left arm to cover my face.

Something tugged my hair behind my ear. I snuggled my head deeper into the pillow.

Suddenly I felt someone straddle my back. I gasped and my eyes flew open as I swung my hands forward to push myself up and whatever was on me off. I groaned as I fell back down due to the heavy weight of someone on top of me. Someone very heavy.

I flailed my arms knocking the lamp beside my bed onto the floor loudly.

The person grabbed my hands and held them above my head with a firm grip.

"P-please let go of m-me" I cried out, trembling in fear.

"Shhhh." A deep voice shushed me, "you are so beautiful." The deep male voice commented as he grabbed my bottom, squeezing it.

Panic erupted in my chest as I felt like I could no longer breathe.

I began to hyperventilate but got cut off as he pressed his large hand over my mouth, flipping my body around. He was now sitting on my lower abdomen.

He was covered in familiar all black clothing. It was the man from earlier. A cloth mask was covering his face, an opening only for his eyes and mouth. Cold dark brown eyes met my soft green ones, I whined in fear as he stayed deadly still, studying my face.

My shirt had rode up past my belly button during the struggle. His eyes raked over my showing skin, lust filling them.

I let out a muffled scream, resulting in him pressing his hand tighter to my mouth.

I struggled, trying to move my legs and arms to escape his hard grip, but he was too strong.

"If you scream again, I'm going to kill you." He growled.

I whined in response, tears cascading down my face.

"Keep your mouth shut."

He slowly released his hand from my mouth and reached into his pocket pulling out a knife and zip tie.

I figured that if I didn't scream I would want to die anyways, so I did what I had to do.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream that probably woke up the whole entire neighborhood.

This led to him smacking me in the face and loosening his grip on my hands in the process.

I took advantage of this and jerked my hands out of his grip, bucking him off my body causing him to fly off the bed.

He knocked everything left on my nightstand off by trying to catch himself, causing a loud crash. He landed in the floor with a hard thump. I spung out of the bed on the opposite side and ran for the door as it was slung open by Amanda.

"Wh-" she started but I interrupted her.

"He's in my room, go go!" I screamed at her.

She looked at me unsure then gasped as he quickly recovered, running towards us.

She clutched my shirt and shoved me towards the stairs, slamming the door and holding it.

She screamed as the door flung open knocking her into the floor.

I stopped and I hesitated in shock.

"FUCKING RUN!!!" She screamed, now crying.

The man grabbed her by her neck and started stabbing her in her stomach repeatedly, causing blood to rapidly form on her yellow tank-top.

I screamed, not knowing what to do, feeling helpless. I sprinted down the stairs and unlocked the door, flinging it open and running out.

It was eerie and dark outside, the streetlights being the only source of light.

I ran up the stairs of the neighbors house and beat on the door, calling out for help.

The lights flicked on and an elderly woman peered out of the window, seeing me barefoot in only a shirt and underwear.

She observed me for a minute, furrowing her eyebrows. She shook her head and walked away from the window, turning out the light.

I stared at the window in shock. What is wrong with people???

I beat on the window she had looked out of begging for her to call the police.

I turned around when I realized she wasn't going to help me and met eyes with him in the doorway of my house, gripping the bloody knife in his right hand tightly. I beat on the door again screaming.

"Please he's gonna kill me." I screamed.

I gave up, retreating quickly back down the stairs, falling at the bottom and skinning my palms along with face planting. I cried out in pain. My cheek felt warm and a burning sensation erupted all over the side of my face.

I quickly recovered and jumped up, running down the street as I could hear his foot steps trailing behind me.

I struggled to breathe in the frigid air as I ran as fast as I could, following the streetlights through the pitch black dark. I took a sharp left and ran into the park, hiding behind a big oak tree.

I calmed my breathing and listened. His footsteps got closer and closer before they stopped.

"Shit." I heard him growl.

I covered my mouth with my hand and held my breath. He continued going down the sidewalk then ran down the street, past the park.

I let out a sigh of relief.

The street light went out and I was left in the dark. Great. What do I do?? Where do I go??

I snuck through the tall grass as quietly as I could back towards the street.

I stepped on a stick, breaking it loudly.

Suddenly a heavy weight was on me and I hit the ground. I cried out in pain as an object punctured into my right side.

I gasped as I felt blood drip down my stomach.

"Y-you stabbed me." I whispered.

The figure froze.

He loosened his grip on me and pushed my shoulders down so that I was flat on my back. He lifted my shirt and revealed a piece of metal sticking out of my side, blood gushing everywhere.

"Shit." He said, breathless.

I saw something flash in his eyes. Was that worry? It couldn't be. I just watched him murder my aunt unmercifully. Nobody deserves that.

Thinking about what he did gave me a sudden burst of adrenaline.

"Screw you." I growled.

I bit his arm as hard as I could, a metallic taste overtaking my mouth.

He groaned in pain and loosened his grip, giving me my chance.

I took it.

I grabbed a decent sized branch that was laying beside me and hit him across the face with it, causing him to fly to the left.

I pushed my body up towards the right, shoving him off my leg. I limped into the woods, ignoring the excruciating pain spreading throughout my side and focusing to see through my dotted vision of the forest in front of me.

I was in my nightmare.


•Word count: 1210

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