Chapter Seven

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I raised slowly, pushing a thick soft blanket off of me to find that my right ankle had a thick metal chain on it.

I blinked, trying to regain my memory.

Slowly it came back. Instead of the muddy t-shirt I was wearing, in its place I had on a black nike sports bra with matching high underwear.

They fit me perfectly, but I have never seen them before in my life.

A decent sized white bandage was on my right upper side. I pulled at the tape covering it and pulled the bandage off. There no longer was a nasty bloody wound, it was starting to heal.

"We will have to put another bandage on you now." A deep voice randomly said.

I jumped, not expecting it. I looked up to see a man leaning against the door frame of the room. Everything came back as I remembered the man who took me.

The man who killed my aunt.

I flew backwards in panic, holding the blanket up to cover my body.

"I've already seen everything love. How do you think you got that bra and underwear on that you wasn't wearing?"

I frowned knowing he was right.

"Still." I replied, avoiding eye contact and wrapping my arms around my body, grimacing when I touched my side.

He clucked his tongue in disapproval and walked to the nightstand beside the bed, taking a first aid kit out and opening it. He pulled out a Band-aid much like the one I pulled off of my side and came close to me.

I leaned away and went to move backwards but he pulled me back towards him by tugging on the chain with one strong arm.

I gasped as I flew towards him.

He undid my chain.

"Calm down. I'm only fixing your bandage. Don't want you in bad shape again." He said, lifting my arms off of my side and pushing me down on my back.

I went to raise back up but he pushed me down again, placing his knee in between my legs and placing my arms over my head again.

I refrained myself from raising up again and just left them above my head.

He began placing the bandage on. I felt butterflies as he lightly touched my side. I locked my jaw and tried to refrain myself from making any noise.

"I didn't know you were ticklish kitten, it's cute." He said, grinning while hovering over me. Being this close to him led to me noticing a scar going down to his neck again.

I glared at him.

"That's probably because you don't know me." I whispered under my breath while pushing at his chest for him to get off.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ouch." He replied, smirking.

"Since you don't know me, you might as well know that I'm not ticklish, I just don't like being touched." I muttered.

He raised his eyebrows. Realizing that he was probably going to tickle me if I stayed in denial, I gave in not wanting him to touch me anymore than he already has.

"Okay, I'm ticklish. You got me. Now get off." I growled, pushing at his muscular chest again.

He didn't budge.

His dark brown eyes raked over my body, and at our close proximity with his knee separating my thighs.

He leaned forward, placing his head beside my ear, his warm breath spreading out over my neck. A slight blush covered my cheek along with chill bumps popping up on my skin due to how close we were.

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