Chapter Eight

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I frowned as I fingered the chain around my ankle.

After he had caught me, he carried me to the bed and chained me back up, glaring at me the whole while. He left me in the room and slammed the door dramatically.

I don't know how I'm supposed to react?

I feel like I've been in this damn room for hours. I want food so bad. I can't remember when the last time I ate was. I have had to lose weight. I could count my ribs.

I laid my chin on my knees, studying my legs.

Huh. They were shiny.

Shiny? I leaned in and squinted. He fucking shaved my legs.

I raised my arms.

Haha. Apparently armpits too. Don't know how I feel about that.

I froze.

Slowly I lifted the underwear and sighed in relief when I discovered that it looked the same down there.

I trimmed every now and then, but I hated shaving. Razor burns sucks.

My skin smelled of lavender. I ran my hand through my hair.


Better than waking up dirty, I guess. But that means he bathed me. I scrunched up my nose in embarrassment and disgust of him seeing me naked.

The door opened. He stepped inside the room with a tray and came to the bed.

"I know you're hungry." He said, waving me to him.

I buried my head in my arms.

Was I hungry? Hell yeah. But I have decided to give him hell over my wants. He stole me, violently might I add, and killed my aunt. Not to mention he has seen me naked without my permission and God only knows what else he has done that I don't know about.

"You're the one who messed up. Stop pouting." He growled, pulling on my arm.

I jerked my arm away and laid down, facing the opposite side as him and curling into a ball, pulling my knees to my chest.

He huffed.

"Don't make me make you."

I ignored him.

Smart ass. Screw him.

He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me towards him, earning a gasp of pain out of me from his iron grip.

I struggled against him, trying to pull away.

I grabbed the headboard of the bed as he held my waist, pulling me backwards to him.

We had to look ridiculous if someone was watching this.

"Let go of me you asshole." I growled, pulling myself towards the headboard, not willing to let go.

He grunted, roughly jerking me backwards one last time.

I lost my grip on the headboard and we both fell to the floor. I cried out in pain as the damn chain pulled my ankle.

His arms were wrapping around my waist, dangerously close to my injury. I was currently in his lap.

I struggled against him and finally gave up, going limp in his arms as I realized he wasn't going to let go with me trying to forge him to.

"Are you gonna be a good girl for me now?" He asked.

Fury overtook me as he talked to me like I was an animal or a child.

I nodded.

He pushed me off his lap into the floor. He stood up, setting on the bed.

I glared at him.

He stared at me for a minute then picked me up under my arms, pulling me into his lap once again on the bed.

I struggled against him once again, trying to get him to loosen his grip and let go.

He didn't like that.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my body back towards him, pressing the back of my body against his.

I clenched my eyes in pain, feeling some hairs rip from my scalp.

I felt disgusted as I felt his member pressing against my backside.

He moved backwards, pulling me with him by my hair causing me to cry out. His legs wrapped around my waist, but he kept the same grip on my hair.

My eyes watered because of how hard he was gripping my hair.

He grabbed the tray. On it was scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. I absolutely hated scrambled eggs.

He let go of my hair and grabbed my chin with his right hand, bringing the food to my mouth with his left.

I clenched my jaw, tears were now escaping my eyes.

"You're going to stop acting tough." He said brusquely.

He dug his fingers into my cheeks, forcing my mouth open. Once he got my mouth open he shoved a large spoonful of eggs in my mouth.

I spat it all back out all over his face, furious at how he was treating me.

He held me tightly with his eyes closed, jaw locked.

Slowly he placed the utensil down and wiped the eggs off of his face. He opened his eyes, fury written all over his face. I was too mad to give a fuck.

He grabbed me by my hair again, speaking viciously in another language that was not English.

He grabbed the eggs in his hand and forcefully pushed them in my mouth. He held my nose to stop my air, forcing the nasty eggs down my throat.

He continued this for the rest of the food, causing me to choke on the toast. He forced me to drink water afterwards, almost drowning me.

When he was done he threw me off his lap across the bed, got up and stomped out of the room with the tray. He slammed the door behind him.

Tears ran down my face as I wiped the grease and bread crumbs off of my face.

I felt bile rising in my throat from so much food being in my system after not having any for so long.

I crawled to the edge of the bed and laid in the floor. I threw up, not able to move from using all my strength to fight him off. Unchewed pieces of eggs came up all over the floor. I laid in it while everything went black.


•Word count:1015

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