Chapter Two

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I carried my lunch tray to my normal spot in the cafeteria, and plopped down while placing the tray on the table and my backpack on the floor.

I squinted at the cheesy pizza that I chose to eat for hot a minute, observing it carefully. After discovering that it actually looked edible, I began to eat it.

Suddenly I felt someone sit beside me.

"Hey." A deep male voice spoke right next to me, invading my personal space.

I choked on my pizza in surprise, immediately chugging down water to clear my airways.

I peeked at the stranger in shock and found that a muscular tan boy with light brown hair was facing me, straddling the bench we were sharing.

He was staring at me with chocolate brown eyes. My skin broke out in cold shivers as I pushed away the memories I had with eyes like those. He must be new.

"You okay?" He asked.

I took another big swig of my water, not answering him in embarrassment as I felt my face getting red.

"So your name is Jayden right?" He continued, catching on to the silent treatment after a few minutes.

I shrugged.

"I'm guessing that is a yes."

"Sure." I replied knowing that he would probably stop talking to me when he would become a target by Marisa's gang. Wouldn't be the first time that has happened.

"I've seen you around and I was just wonder-" He stopped suddenly as I interrupted him by gasping in pain.

Something hard had bounced off my head, landing on the tile floor with a thud.

I turned and looked at the boy beside me and followed his shocked gaze towards the floor, finding a shiny red apple laying there.

I rubbed the spot where it hit me lightly with my fingertips.

I winced as I could feel a migraine starting to form.

Have you ever been hit by an apple? Not pleasant.

I was drawn from of my thoughts as everyone around us was laughing. Loudly might I add.

"Hey! Not cool!" The guy beside me yelled, fury all over his face.

I heard Marisa's ugly snicker above all. I sighed angrily. Welcome to my every day life. I bet you're wondering why Marisa has such a problem with me, huh?

Let's just say she's a rich kid who can't stand for others to have something she doesn't. She used to be my best friend, but that ended when she slept with Seth. My boyfriend, whom I had been dating for two years.

Let me rephrase that.

My now ex-boyfriend who I was with for two years before we broke up. Honestly, I should have seen it coming. The signs were there. The lack of energy in the texts he would send me, hours before he would reply, basing our relationship on what his friends would do, and after all, he was a college student and I was just in high school when things started to go wrong.

I noticed all the signs, but unfortunately I was blinded by Cupid's fat ass, which led to me making excuses for him.

Instead I ignored the bad things and glorified the things I liked about him, such as how good of a kisser he was and how special he made me feel when he would compliment my eyes. But isn't that what they all do? I could throw up due to my stupidity.

The boy interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Are you okay??" He asked, a worried expression overtaking his handsome features.

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