Sleepover at The Rylands'

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Dedicated to a AFearlessDayDreamer for the awesome cover to the side

Amelia glanced at herself in the mirror after applying a layer of lip-gloss over her lips. She put it down and walked over to her bed to grab the cardigan she laid out for her to wear; she picked it up and went back to the mirror but just as she was about put it on, her eyes landed on the now fading blue mark on her arm. She ran her fingers over the now faded bruise that was more visible two weeks ago. She recalled how mortified she was when she saw the ugly mark on her arm, she hated blemishes and marks and she always did whatever possible to get rid of any mark that appeared on her skin. But because of some ill-mannered boy she had an ugly bruise on her arm.

Taking in a deep breath she looked away from the now fading bruise and put on her cardigan. She didn't like the mark but there was no point in crying over spilt milk or worse thinking about the horrible person who put it there.

Pushing aside her thoughts she glanced at herself once more in the mirror before she grabbed her phone and exited the room. She replied to Hugh's and Hillary's texts before she headed outside to meet Stan in the driveway.

"Thank you so much for coming." Lily said before Amelia could even greet her. "Come in." Lily added and moved out of the doorway so Amelia could walk in.

"I really do appreciate you doing this for me Amelia; I honestly thought you wouldn't come." Lily added as she shut the front door.

"You sounded like you really needed help, I couldn't say no." Amelia smiled.

"But you still had a valid reason to say no yet you still came."

"Are you talking about your brother?" Amelia asked. "Please, he doesn't scare me."

"It's not about fear it's about how out of line he was the last time you were here, I'm still not talking to him because of that." Lily said.

Amelia simply grinned at her in response as she walked into the living room. "So are you home alone?"

"Aunt Ellie should be home soon." Lily replied. "Is Stan alright outside? Because he's always welcome to come inside."

"Stan isn't outside." Amelia clarified. "He doesn't live too far from here so I told him to go on home; I'll call him when we're done."

"Okay." Lily smiled. "Let's get to work then."

As they walked towards the kitchen where Lily's textbooks were kept, Amelia wondered if her coming over was actually a good idea or not. It was just two weeks ago she told Lily she wouldn't be able to tutor her anymore, simply because she didn't want to associate herself with Brady or anything that involved him. But when Lily called that morning in a panic saying she desperately needed to ace an upcoming test in order to keep her scholarship with the school, the little goodness in Amelia couldn't turn her down.

"You know I would've come over to your place but-" Lily began but Amelia cut her off, knowing that if Lily went over to Amelia's place it would've been a bigger deal than if Amelia was at Lily's place.

"It's alright, I'm already here." Amelia grinned. "Now let's get to it before your grumpy ass of a brother gets back and bruises my other arm." She added as she discarded her cardigan and took a seat at the kitchen table.

Lily sadly glanced at the faded bruise on Amelia's arm. "Lily, come on let's get to it unless you no longer wish to ace the test." Amelia said.

"I'm really very sorry Amelia, what Brady did was-"

"Enough about him, I don't want to hear his name. Now sit down so we can get started." Amelia cut her off.

Lily offered a small smile before she took a seat opposite Amelia and opened her textbooks.

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