Tending Fresh Wounds

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"Amelia" Brady chased after her as she ran out of the garage.

Amelia was taking fast strides towards the white parked SUV where Stan was sitting, Amelia wiped her eyes with the back of her hands ignoring Brady's call.

"Mia, please." He grabbed her hand and spun her around, ignoring the people on the street around him.

"Please let me just explain myself to you, just listen and then you can leave." Brady requested.

Amelia shook her head. "No, Brady please I don't want to hear anything from you anymore."

"Just let me explain myself to you, just
once and then you can do whatever you want." Brady said with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Amelia swallowed and felt tears roll
down her cheeks. "Please Brady, just let me go please."

Brady felt terrible looking at her like that, he could only imagine what was going on inside her head but what he knew for sure was there was no way in hell he was gonna be forgiven for this and he didn't expect it, cause he knew he screwed up big time.

Brady held her hand tighter, looking at her with pity, guilt and sadness. "Mia... I just want you to hear me out."

Amelia sniffed and wiped her eyes. "If you ever cared for me even for a second you'll let me go, please."

Brady took in a deep breath and knew he was fighting a losing war so he let go of her hand slowly. Once her hand was free without a second glance Amelia ran up to her car, got in and after Stan looked at Brady once he drove off.
Brady shut his eyes for a second and took in a deeper breath than the last, he watched the car drive off until it was no longer in sight. His mind was blank, he didn't know what he felt at that moment except that he just wanted to be alone, he wanted to isolate himself from the entire world and maybe drown his feelings with alcohol.

He turned on his heel and made his way back to the garage and not much to his surprise he seen Cassidy standing at the threshold of the entrance with a small smile on her face.

She shook her head slowly and clicked her tongue in feigned pity.

"Want a band aid for your broken heart?" She asked with a pout.

Brady ignored her and walked straight pass her. He went in, grabbed his jacket and before he left the garage he mumbled to Cassidy, "tell Jarred I'll be taking the rest of the day off."

"You know where to find me should you need anything." She called after him.


Three days had passed since Amelia found out the real reason Brady was dating her, why he made an effort to make things work and every time she recalled Cassidy's voice spilling Brady's secret her heart broke. She felt so deeply for him and she went there that morning to tell him that maybe she overreacted the previous night and wanted to fix things but much to her dismay and her benefit because she finally found out his true colours – things only got worse than they ever were.

Amelia switched off her phone that day and went to the city and was staying at her dad's penthouse since her mom and dad were away for a week on a small vacation. She knew Brady would most likely come to her house when her phone went straight to voicemail and since he didn't know the address of her dad's penthouse she went there to be alone.

Amelia was currently sitting on her bed in her pj's scrolling through the TV not able to find anything she liked. She glanced at her phone lying on the side pedestal and was conflicted with turning it on or leaving it off. It had been way over seventy two hours since she looked at her phone and she felt at peace but she was also curious as to whether Brady really tried to get hold of her or not.

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