Dad's Dirty Secrets

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"Everything alright Ms. Stanton?" Stan questioned as she sat at the back of the car, heading back to the penthouse in Chicago.

"No, it's not." She answered flatly.

"Brady will be alright; I've known him for a long while and he always finds a way to alright again." Stan told her reassuringly.

"I don't doubt that but he's been arrested for a false accusation." Amelia said. "And to make matters worse my own father is behind this."

"You don't know that for sure, talk to your father before you jump to conclusions. If there's anything I can vouch for is that your father loves you dearly and he would never do anything to hurt you." Stan told her.

Amelia sighed and rested her head against the window. "Then why do I have a bad feeling?"

"Because you tend to overthink everything, talk to him and you'll feel much better. Clear your doubts." Stan advised.

Amelia nodded and was left to her thoughts as they made their way back into the city, she had an anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach, she knew that Stan was only trying to make her feel better but deep down she was bracing herself for the worst.

They finally reached the penthouse and Amelia's anxiety felt like it tripled, she was nervous to talk to her father, she had a feeling she was going to get answers she never truly wanted to hear.

"Remember what I said Ms. Stanton and always remember no matter what happens you'll always have me." The old man smiled at her.

She returned his smile and nodded. "I know."

She got out of the car and looked at the tall apartment building before she took in a deep breath and headed inside.

The elevator ride felt too short when she reached the penthouse, she entered and noticed it was extremely silent. It was almost five pm so she knew her dad should be home, or at least he'd be home soon.

"Dad?" she called out loud.

No answer.

She was glad he wasn't home as yet it gave her time to go into his study and grab the file she seen the previous day from his safe. She ran up the stairs to his study and much to her satisfaction he wasn't in there.

She headed for the bookcase and pulled out the books which covered the safe, she entered the password which luckily hadn't changed and quickly opened the safe.

When the safe was opened she had to look more than once to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

"What the hell?" she breathed.

The safe was completely empty, nothing was in it, it was almost as if she had dreamt about seeing the files the previous day, only she knew what she saw, and it most certainly wasn't a dream.

"Amelia, what brings you here?" a voice from behind startled her.

She immediately turned around to see her father eyeing her very curiously.

"I live here dad, or have you forgotten?" she said casually.

"I know that but what are you doing here in my study, that too digging through my safe." He said.

"Why?" she drawled. "Is there something in there that I shouldn't find?"

He shook his head. "I'm an open book you know that honey."

"Dad, what did you do?" she asked.

He looked at her quizzically. "I'm afraid you're going to have to elaborate further. Actually, on the contrary I should be asking you that, you left the office in a hurry and then left me a rather peculiar voice mail."

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