The Bad Boys Territory

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"And I was so embarrassed; I had to look three times to see if that was my daughter standing in front of me." Chantel, Amelia's mother explained to her husband at the breakfast table.

Amelia pretty much resembled her mother, except Amelia was blonde and her mother was a brunette but they both had the same big blue eyes and dimpled smile. Chantel was a very elegant and beautiful woman in her early forties.

Amelia rolled her eyes and groaned under her breath at her mother. "This happened a whole week ago mother, can we move pass this?"

"Move pass this?" Chantel asked. "I was just boasting to the planner about how beautiful and intelligent my daughter is to only be left red-faced when you walked in looking like some homeless person."

"It wasn't my fault mom; I thought I explained this to you... like years ago!" Amelia sighed.

"And I am explaining this to your father." Chantel retorted before she sipped on her orange juice.

Amelia turned to her father who was sitting silently at the head of the table, quietly listening to his wife and daughter bicker. "Dad, please explain to mommy-dear that it wasn't my fault, it's not like I willingly walked into that restaurant splattered with dirt all over."

"Of course it wasn't your fault Amelia but you should've known better than catch a ride with some stranger in a filthy state to Chicago instead of just coming back home and explaining why you didn't pitch." Chantel said.

"Had I done that mom, we would've been in this very same position; instead you would've been so embarrassed of your daughter standing you up." Amelia said, trying her best to not show her annoyance. "Either way, this lecture was bound to happen... for the millionth time, so please just stop. I get it, I embarrassed you and I am very sorry, it won't happen again."

Chantel sighed. "We give you all the freedom in the world Amelia, not once have we questioned anything and in return we ask for one thing, do not ruin your family name and reputation."

Amelia knew that, her parents weren't strict, they gave her everything she ever desired without any question and all she had to do was make sure she didn't embarrass her haughty family. Amelia's father was an influential and respected man in the corporate world and her family was well known and that's why the Stanton name had to always be spotless without a speck of dust on it; that was planted into Amelia's head since she was a very little girl.

"I understand that mom and I also understand how embarrassed you were when I walked into that restaurant, but all I can offer now is an apology and a promise that our name won't be tarnished because of me." Amelia told her mother earnestly.

Chantel opened her mouth to reply but for the first time that morning, Richard, Amelia's father spoke. "That's enough Chantel, I know our daughter well enough to know that she didn't mean to embarrass you and she always keeps to her word, I trust that she won't do anything to jeopardize our name." Richard turned to Amelia, "Am I right darling?"

Richard was a tall man in his mid-forties with light hair with hints of gray here and there, unlike his wife and only child; he had hazel eyes and quite a stern look and personality. He was quite an uptight person but if anyone could deter his stern persona it was his daughter Amelia, whom he would melt and do anything for.

Amelia who just took a sip of her tea placed her cup down and wiped her mouth with a napkin and nodded. "Of course Daddy."

Richard grinned as his daughter and looked warningly at his wife. "End of discussion."

Chantel nodded and went on to eat her breakfast.

"Good, I'm only home on weekends and I want to make the best of it, not hear complaints and have the two women in my life bickering." Richard said.

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