The Bad Boys Motive

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Brady could feel the sting in his knuckles as he punched the poor excuse of a human being in front of him.

"Brady!" Amelia shouted.

Brady could hear his voice being yelled but he didn't care, every bit of rage that was slowly building inside of him was being let out and it felt good to finally blow off steam.

"Brady!" Amelia shrieked.

Two bouncers entered the club and with a bit of a struggle they pulled Brady away from Tristan.

Tristan wiped away blood from his mouth before he glared at Brady who was hyperventilating in front of him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tristan swore at him.

Brady hurled towards him again but the bouncers held him back firmly.

Tristan glared at him and then looked at the bouncers. "Take him out back." Tristan told them.

Panic set in over Amelia, she knew exactly what 'out back' meant. They were going to beat the hell out of Brady and leave him half unconscious.

"No." Amelia said in a panicky tone. "Tristan no, please."

Tristan turned and looked at his old flame. "Amelia." He grinned.

Brady ground his teeth together when he saw the look on Tristan's face.

He took a step towards Amelia and Hugh immediately stood between them, his arm pushing Amelia behind him.

Tristan chuckled. "Are you kidding me?"

He looked at Hugh. "Do you honestly think I'll hurt her?"

Hugh didn't reply but just glared at him in response.

"Oh come on, we were all friends once upon a time." Tristan said.

"Some of us more than friends." He added looking at Amelia.

Brady tried loosening out of the bouncers hold but their grip on him was too tight.

Brady's reaction averted Tristan's attention back to Amelia. "Yes Lia, you were saying?"

"Don't take him out back." She literally pleaded.

Tristan's nose was bleeding and lip bust, his jaw was already bruising all due to Brady's assault. He titled his head and examined the desperation in Amelia's eyes. "Does that barbaric animal belong to you?"

Amelia felt the blood rush to her head, she was becoming furious. "He is not an animal." She said between gritted teeth.

"Defensive." Tristan mused out loud. "He clearly is your new sleep toy."

"Tristan." Hugh warned staring daggers at Tristan.

Tristan furrowed his brows and looked between Hugh and Brady. "Two of them Lia? I thought better of you."

"Let me go!" Brady growled.

"Look Tristan's anger got the better of Brady, as one male with a huge ego you should understand that." Amelia tried reasoning.

"Amelia!" Brady yelled.

Amelia closed her eyes for a second and ignored Brady.  She walked in front of Hugh and looked desperately at Tristan. "Please."

Tristan looked at her for a long moment and extended his hand as if he was going to touch her but Hugh quickly jumped in and pushed her behind him.

Tristan laughed seeing that and sighed. "If I agree, what will I get?"

Amelia gulped and just stared at him for a very long moment. "What do you want?" she muttered sheepishly.

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