May Justice Be Served

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"That is why I never wanted to tell you everything, I needed to keep you safe especially since you were so close to the devil himself." Pamela just finish tell Brady everything she knew about the reason for his father's death.

Brady took in a deep breath and processed the information he just received, yes he had a doubt that Amelia's fathers company was the one his father was investigating but hearing it out loud like that took some time to accept, especially since he was in love with the heir of that company.

"Why now?" Brady asked Pam. "Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because now you are their target, I was wrong to hide this from you. I keep telling myself if I told you everything in the first place then you would've drifted away from Amelia and spared yourself all of this." Pamela said.

"How can you conclude that I would've left Amelia?" Brady questioned. "When you were apparently protecting me from the truth, she was digging for it despite knowing that the perpetrator could most likely be her own father. She cares for me more than you can ever comprehend."

"If that is the case then where is she now? Why hasn't she come to see you?" Pamela asked.

"How can you sit there and ask me that?" he asked. "I was there when you practically kicked her out and told her to not see me. I'll admit I don't know why she listened because she knows damn well you have not a say in my life."

Pamela felt bad hearing that and Brady could see that, but he didn't care. Just because her husband was fighting his case it didn't mean that she was his mother again and they were all one big happy family. The only family he had was Lily, Adam and Jarred.

"Look I know this is a lot to sink in, but you cannot trust a Stanton, they are the ones who broke our family, Richard got your father killed and if I were to ever come clean to anyone they would've hurt you and Lily." Pamela said.

"I find it quite odd though, you tell me to stay away from a Stanton, yet you were so close to them. I mean I met you again at the Stanton house and I met Lukas for the first time there too while Amelia was babysitting him." Brady mused out loud. "Why are you being such a hypocrite?"

"Keep your enemies close." Pamela responded.

"No, you didn't keep your enemies close, you were practically sleeping with them." Brady spat.

"Kurt has handled many of their cases and I had no idea until after I was married that the Stanton's were his client." Pamela said. "By then I couldn't say anything to him or to anyone or I would put my family at risk."

"No, you only didn't say anything because Lily and I were already out of your life forever; your ties to the Ryland's were finished and you wiped the slate clean and blended in so well into this fucked up world filled with lies and betrayal." Brady spat.

Pamela looked at him for a long moment, unable to say anything or to defend herself and Brady knew she knew deep down too that he was right.

"I cannot change the past, but I can make amends to make a better future. I know it's hard to forgive and forget but it would mean a lot for you to at least try Brady." Pamela said, trying to keep her emotions at bay. "I know I've hurt you and your sister terribly, nothing I do or say can take away the pain I inflicted and I will live with that guilt forever but please don't hate me forever, life is too short."

"I cannot make any promises, I don't know if I can ever be your son again but I will do my best to be civil." He said nonchalantly.

"It's a start and I appreciate that." She half smiled and was about to place her hand over his but Brady moved it away, he wasn't ready for any of that.

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