It's Holiday Season

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"Are you sure your parents aren't going to have a fit?" Brady asked Amelia as he drove them to his place.

"Certain." Amelia assured him.

"Besides, isn't it a little late to turn around now?" Amelia added.

"It's never too late to turn around, the last thing I need is your mom breathing down my neck." Brady said.

"Brady I told you, my parents are away for the holidays and I specifically told them I won't be joining them but spending my holidays with you." Amelia stated.

"I bet they took that really well." Brady remarked under his breath.

"Brady." Amelia warned.

"Alright but don't go making it seem like I'm a bad influence on you." Brady teased.

"Oh yeah like you care what my parents think of you." Amelia rolled her eyes playfully.

"Of course I care." Brady responded sarcastically.

"Uh huh." Was Amelia's response.

Shortly after some small talk in the truck they reached Brady's place. It was Christmas Day and Amelia decided not to spend the holidays with her parents or friends but rather with Brady and his family and friends. The last couple of weeks with Brady had been great, Amelia was truly happy with him and Brady found himself smiling more often as of late. Everything seemed to be well and both of them liked things as they were.

"You sure about this?" Brady asked Amelia as they made their way to the front door.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Amelia asked.

"It's just you'll be seeing my friends for the first time since we basically broke up." Brady answered.

"You mean I'll be seeing the dreadful Cassidy for the first since she spilt the beans of your true motives around me?" Amelia questioned.

"Yeah." Brady nodded.

"All the more reason to be with you." Amelia grinned.

She pecked Brady's lips. "Let's go show the bitch that we're unbreakable."

Brady smirked. "As you wish."

Amelia looped her arm through Brady's and together they entered the Ryland residence which smelt like a food heaven. Amelia could almost taste the delicious food Ellie prepared for Christmas lunch.

"Merry Christmas Amelia!" Ellie greeted Amelia with a wide smile and a tight hug.

"I am so happy that you're joining us dear." She smiled.

"Merry Christmas to you too and it's only my pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me." Amelia smiled.

"Nonsense." Ellie waved her off. "You're practically family."

Amelia smiled and felt a little awkward when she noticed Brady clear his throat when Ellie called her family. Yes she and Brady were getting along splendidly but they didn't talk about commitment that far along.

"Make yourself at home as I finish up lunch." Ellie said to her and disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry." Brady mumbled from beside her.

Amelia frowned. "For?"

"My aunt. She gets very eccentric during the holidays so she might've come off super strong." Brady said.

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